⚡️ More Advanced Life ⚡️

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[Flashback/Five Years Ago]

It was an odd feeling to literally be talking to yourself on another earth, to wonder about their life and just how different the two doppelgängers were, especially because this version of the flash was a lot older which meant he was a lot smarter

And there were so many questions Barry had for his doppelgänger, there were so many things he wanted to know. Barry didn't usually act like a geek or what not but when it came to things like the multiverse, he just couldn't help but to go into geek mode

But alas E721 Barry didn't answer any of the questions Barry had, not because he didn't wanna answer them just he wanted to wait until they were at a comfortable place where things could be explained

And luckily it didn't take long as Barry and E721 Barry arrive at their destination as Barry looks in a mix of shock and disbelief to see that the destination just so happened to be his former childhood home

And luckily it didn't take long as Barry and E721 Barry arrive at their destination as Barry looks in a mix of shock and disbelief to see that the destination just so happened to be his former childhood home

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E721 Barry looks at his doppelgänger and notices the reaction on his face and E721 Barry was smart enough to realize that his doppelgänger didn't expect to see the house as he asks him

E721 Barry: How longs it been since you've stepped inside the house?

It had been a long time, in fact Barry had stepped foot inside the house that he grew up in since the night the accident happened..it was hard to confront his past, especially when it involved the murder of a loved one as Barry clears his throat and looks at E721 Barry and responds back

"A long time."

E721 Barry: We could go somewhere else and talk if you want?

Barry thought about that for a moment, it would likely be more easier to talk somewhere else and get as far away from his childhood home as quickly as possible but Barry wanted to get home as fast as he could, so he didn't wanna waste another second

"It's fine."

E721 Barry gave a quick smile then motioned Barry up to the house as Barry walks forward and the two of them make it up the front porch as E721 Barry takes out his key and unlocks the door while he looks back at his doppelgänger and chuckled

E721 Barry: Even with my wife, she wants the door locked. Metas and all that.

Barry nodded in understanding as E721 Barry opened the front door and the two stepped inside as Barry was quick to glance around his former home to see that nothing was really changed..it looked mostly the same which made it harder as E721 Barry places his case in the bin on the desk

E721 Barry: Honey I'm home.

He calls out to someone as a feminine voice replied back from the kitchen

?: In the kitchen!

Footsteps were heard coming down the stairs as Barry and E721 Barry look at the stairs as Barry sees a blonde haired teenager come down as E721 Barry greets her

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