⚡️ Spending Time Together ⚡️

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Walking down the streets of Central City hand in hand, Barry and Diana were licking their ice cream cones and enjoying a date together, they set aside one day of the week without having to deal with their superhero alter egos and while you'd think it'd be hard to manage a long term relationship with the job, for the two of them it was pretty easy

Diana: So, Bruce had this idea about relocating the hall to Star City.

Diana says telling her boyfriend about the plans Bruce had for the justice league, the two of them were founding members and would always make sure to be there when they were needed, but the last year they've taken a step back and obviously knew with Batman and Superman leading the helm that things would be okay


Barry asks quite surprised given that Bruce Wayne and Oliver Queen had a pretty tense relationship even more so than he and Bruce

Diana: Well, the hall we have now is okay but Bruce wants to upgrade and he found this great building in Star City and it's been abandoned for years.

Barry nodded knowing the building she was talking about, it used to be Palmer Tech and owned by Ray Palmer. Unfortunately he disappeared after an explosion and was declared dead, and knowing the building, having been their many times, he knew it was a great building to have the justice league preside

"It's a great idea."

Diana: You know it'd be nice if you walked to Bruce once in a while, babe.

Barry playfully chuckles while rolling his eyes just at the thought of contacting Bruce again. It's not that he didn't want too...no, actually it was that. The two of them had many disagreements over how to do things, especially when it came to the justice league

But Diana sees her boyfriend's reaction as she stops and steps in front of him as she tells him

Diana: Babe, I know that you and Bruce don't always see eye to eye

"That's the understatement of the century."

Barry says with a laugh but Diana smacks him slightly on the forearm and Barry clears his throat

Diana: I'm sure if the two of you just sat down and talked, I'm sure the two of you could come to a resolution.

Barry went to respond to Diana but at that moment, the tv in the glass of the building beside them played a newscast about the city's hero the flash putting the fire out but there was something else about it..it also displayed the city still fearing for their lives with the flash despite him being a hero

"That right there, Diana is why we will never come to an understanding."

Barry tells her pointing to the tv as Diana looks over and sees the newscast he was pointing at as she sighs and the two of them go over and stand in front of the glass

Diana: Barry, just because the city isn't exactly pleased with you doesn't mean you aren't a hero. You've been through a lot.

And she was right, in the last twelve years of being a speedster, Barry had gone through so much, he lost his parents, he's traveled back in time to World War Two and helped the justice society of America, he's lost friends, and so much more

Not to mention all the villains he's gone up against who've taken so much away from him and even took away someone who he thought he'd be with for the rest of his life; Diana puts her hand on his forearm as she rubs it as a soft, genuine look crosses her features

Diana: I know it's been hard since you lost Iris.

Her name echoed in his mind; he loved Diana without a doubt, nothing could take away the love he had for her but there was a time when he loved Iris as well. She was his everything and at one point was even gonna propose to her, but then she died and in an instant everything about the world's greatest hero had changed

He was no longer the man the city had hope with, and if not for Diana helping him through her loss and becoming the love of his life, not even he wanted to know where he would've ended up; Barry took a deep breath then breathed through his nose as he glances back at the screen

"I still love protecting this city, Diana."

Diana: As does Bruce for Gotham.

Barry scoffed knowing she was right, despite their faults, one thing that they had in common was their goal of protecting their two cities as Barry looks at Diana and a smile prys between his lips

"Sometimes I wonder how I got so lucky with you."

Diana smirks before shrugging her shoulders as she jokes with the scarlet speedster

Diana: Eh, sometimes I wonder how you got so lucky too.

The two of them shared a laugh then Barry tells her that he'd go see Bruce when he had time which was all Diana wanted as the two of them interlock their hands again before continuing their date before having to get back to their regular scheduled lives


Alas somewhere else in Central City far away from the couple, a breach opens up as the flash from earth-1 runs out as he comes to a screeching halt as he looks around and sees that he was in Central City but it was odd...it looked more advanced

Flash: What the..?

He was trying to run back to the past to fix the mistake he made but by the looks of it..it clearly didn't work; at that moment a newspaper flies past him as he grabs it in midair and sees the date "April 24 2026" as his eyes widen to see that instead of running back to the past, he instead ran to the future

But what Barry didn't know was that he was about to meet his doppelgänger, and he was about to learn that not every flash had the same sentiment of doing the right thing to be a hero

To Be Continued...

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