The Calamity of the Hypnotized CLADE Agents Part 2

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In a Circus tent, Sam sits on a Red and white striped bed with a dark cyan pillow on it. "Me and Alfonzo met around the time I was jealous of my partner." The snow leopard crosses one arm and bows his head sadly.

"He cared about me like the father I never had." He shuts his eyes and opens them again, "Alfonso showed me how to get back at everyone with dark magic, and he gave me this cool magician's outfit." 

I show a guilty face as Sam continues, "then one day, he vanished into thin air. He didn't even say goodbye." Everyone's expressions show a little bit of shock. "What happens next, Sam?" Abby asked. "After that, I carried out Alfonso's destiny. He used to be my hero, but now, when he messes with CLADE..." Sam lifts his head up, his eyes glow a bright shade of green. "HE MESSES WITH ME!"

Everyone's expressions looked shocked, and I stand up. "Well, we're coming with you!" Sam's eyes widen in surprise. "You, really think you can stop him?" He asked worryingly, "Alfonso is too powerful. You won't be able to take him out on your own." 

SwaySway stands up too, hands on his hips. "When Alfonzo goes against one of us," he holds out one hand, "he goes against all of us!" Sam puts his hand in SwaySway's and gets up. The others get up as well, confident that they're gonna win. I raise up a fist.

"WHAT ARE WE GONNA DO?!" I said, "SAVE THE WORLD!" They reply in unison. Meanwhile at CLADE, Alfonzo sets up a camera and smirks. "This is it! My big night!" He said, "Once everyone sees my show, EVERYBODY WILL BOW DOWN TO ALFONZO THE AMAZING!!! And then, I will ascend the throne as KING ALFONZO!" 

He laughs manically, suddenly a card is thrown at him. He turns around spotting Sam and the others as they prepare for battle. "Hey, Al!" He yelled, Sam tilts his head to face his former hero, his eyes shining emerald green "Remember me?!" Alfonzo walks toward the magician snow leopard. Smirking, he pats him on the shoulder. "Samuel!" He said. "Long time no see!" 

"CUT THE CRAP!" He shouted. "What have you done with Kit, you psycho?!" Alfonzo snaps his fingers, and Kit comes out of the shadows with blue eyes, wearing a stereotypical Rockstar Punk Princess outfit with Black Lace gloves and leggings, she also wears black knee length boots, dark purple lipstick and magenta eyeshadow. Holding a golden wand with a hot pink magenta orb, she points it at me, and I fall face forward.

"Whoa, CG!" Abby said, "are you alright?" I raise a thumb up. "I'm good, don't worry!" I get up and pull out my sword. "Attack!!!"

They all charge at Alfonzo, he uses a red shield to protect himself. Ace examines the force field and points to a weak spot. "Circus, Librity! Hit the corners! They'll weaken the shield!"

"On it!" I said. I jump up and touch the corner of the shield, Librity touches one and turns to me with a nod. "On three, we smash these things!" She said. "One...Two...THREE!!!" I slice the left corner with my sword and Librity hits the corner on the right. The force field shatters and Alfonzo scowls.

"It's over, Alfonzo!" Princess Hannah yells. "Oh, puh lease!" He said, slyly. "Do you honestly believe that I was going to give up that easily?!" He pulls out a deck of cards and separates them. He spreads them out and they turn into card knights.

"Now that's just plain nonsense." Said SwaySway. The cards advance on the others. They battle them with all they have and I turn to Sam. "How do we stop him?!" I asked, "he's got a whole army of cards!" Sam pulls out a black mirror and I take it. "Trap him in the mirror!" He said, "Alfonzo will be trapped in there, temporarily. Well, only for a week or two...but you gotta hurry!"

I nod and run to my friends. Alfonzo turns around at the sound of my voice yelling, "HEY ALFONZO!" 

He scowls at me and charges, I hold up the mirror and a beam of light pulls him in. "No!" He exclaimed, "this wasn't a part of my plan!" He tried to grab on to me, but it pulls him into the mirror. He bangs on the glass of the mirror.

"Let. Me. Out! Now!!!" He yells, Sam crosses his arms furiously. "Not until you release CLADE from your hypnotic spell!" Alfonzo groans and takes out the pocket watch. "Realisium, Freediom, Cladius, HYPNOSIUS!!!" 

With those words, a red energy ball shoots out and hovers 1 foot high. It explodes spreading its magical energy. The agents snap back to normal. The blue from Kit's eyes disappears and she looks at Sam. She hugs him in a tearful embrace. "You saved me!" She said, "you saved everybody!" 

Sam smiles back. "I know." Suddenly, she and her partner share a look and blush at each other happily.

Everything was back to normal. Sam became a part of CLADE again, but only on one condition, he uses his powers for the greater good. And, as a bonus, Ace, Abby, Librity and Gai became allies of CLADE! And this makes you wonder, what happened to Alfonzo the Totally insane? Well, he was locked away forever in a vault in CLADE headquarters.

And they all lived happily ever after! See, don't you just love happy endings? You know I do! (Wink) 

The end.

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