CLADE Carnival | 🎩🔗🪄🎪

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This is an after Valentines Day present that I wanna give you guys! It features so many crossovers from amazing shows! @Captravels271 is my inspiration, so is @SleetSkies18! And to all those out there, enjoy this gift I gave you!

It was a great day at the CLADE Carnival. For the first time, every cartoon in the multiverse got to spend the day together.

Kit held tickets as her smile was brighter that ever! Her best friend, Sam Snow is putting on a magic show for this special day. She and Indie walked into the CLADE theater and sat by Circus Girl. She is sitting with Indie and Space Ranger Roger. 

Roger: Hey, Circus Girl. This is the friend you were talking about, right?

Circus Girl: Yup! Roger, meet Kit Casey and Indie Pollenpuff!

Indie: Nice to meet you, Roger! (Shakes his hand) Oh, and By the way. Nice dog! Heya, Rover!

Rover wags his tail, the lights go off as Indie and Kit sat on their seats. A curtain lifts on a stage and lavender smoke spreads around the crowd. Kit pumps her fists in her seat.

Kit: (Squeals) IT'S HAPPENING!!!

Sam steps out of the shadows and raises his arms up. The audience roars in applause as he takes off his cape, and throws it at the audience. Kit grabs it and cheers pumping her fist.

Kit: (Excited and Yelling) WHOO HOO! THAT'S MY PARTNER! 

Sam takes a bow, takes off his tophat and puts it on a table. He pulls out a magician's wand out of nowhere and taps on the hat.

Sam: Now, for my first illusion. I shall made colorful handkerchiefs appear from my hat! (Taps wand on his hat) Prepare to be amazed, people! ABRACADABRA ALAKAZAM!!!

He reaches into the hand and pulls out a bunch of handkerchiefs. Everyone looks amazed.


Lola comes onto the stage with her magician's assistant outfit with white gloves and dark blue leggings, she also wears black over-the-knee boots, black lipstick and magenta eyeshadow. She hops into the box and Sam cuts it in half with a saw and splits the box. The audience goes wild.

Data Bot: (Pointing) That snow leopard knows witchcraft!

He puts the box back together and Lola gets out. Sam pulls out his wand again and removes his tophat once more.

Sam: And now, for my last trick. I shall make a dozen pigeons appear from my hat! And of course, a bunch of flowers. Abracadabra!

He taps his wand and a dozen pigeons fly out of his hat. One gives Kit a bouquet of flowers and she smiles proudly. The audience roars in applause and Sam takes a bow.

Sam: (Waving) Thank you! Thank you! I'll be here all week!

He conjures up a smoke bomb and throws it on the floor. He disappears in a puff of smoke and the audience cheers.

Kit: (Laughs) Did you see that?! My partner is the best! (Laughs)

Roger: (Pats Kit on the head) I know, Kit. I know!

The scene ends with everyone agreeing on the show and Databot clapping.

Crossover Adventures one shots! Book 1Where stories live. Discover now