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The papers were flying in different directions. Wonwoo was so done with everything. The upperclassmen, his dad's followers, and his relatives always told him what was good for him but they never realized he wanted something else and this wasn't it.

Out of all this, there was someone Wonwoo believed was his whole world but that someone broke his heart right here and now. Wonwoo watched the love of his life turn away and leave him.

Wonwoo wanted to give up. He dint know where and what he would do but he found himself at a train station. "Jeon Wonwoo dying is the best option cause you cant take it", he thought but well he was too scared to die. He just boarded the train having no thoughts in mind.

While Wonwoo had no hopes for life Soonyoung was different. He viewed life as a game and himself as a player. And now that player in the game was going to visit his hometown to meet his family. But, there was something he never said to his family which was he had a boyfriend. If he said he did, Soonyoung would be disowned. And this was all part of his plan.

To marry his boyfriend and run away but it wasn't easy.

Soonyoung was a talker. His days didn't pass without talking. and that was what was happening now. Soonyoung couldn't stop talking with the old lady on the next birth. "So i told him he was cute and he blushed. i give him flowers and he loves it when i do that. he is such a cute creature.", he gushed about his boyfriend but the old lady was giving him a judgemental look.

Wonwoo never wanted to disappear so much until now. His head was aching and plus this man he dint know who was gushing about another man he dint know. Wonwoo wouldn't mind if the other guy would get hurt but he just needed to do this.

"Would you please shut up really? no one is interested in some gay men simply over one another. Keep it to yourself", Wonwoo lashed out but this wasn't him, he felt guilty. Soon young was taken aback. Honestly, he wasn't hurt but he was used to all this so he just put on a huge smile and replied back "Who cares about me i know right so tell me about yourself hmm you seem interesting", Soonyoung asked back shocking Wonwoo. Wonwoo would rather not talk so he just stayed quiet.

Soon young was bored and it was midnight and he couldn't sleep. He dint find wonwoo in his place as well. Wonwoo was standing by the door of the train thinking. Soonyoung was an overthinker so he thought Wonwoo was gonna do something And started screaming. Soonyoung's screaming caused wonwoo to almost jump out of the train. "Would you please stop and leave me alone mister", wonwoo said to soonyoung who seemed to calm down a bit. The train stopped and wonwoo got down for fresh air.

The train would start moving in a while but wonwoo was still not present. A worried soonyoung chased after wonwoo without knowing if he got down he would miss the train which he did miss. Soonyoung ran after the moving train shouting saying the man to stop but the train was gone anyway. Now, soonyoung was stuck with wonwoo. Wonwoo won't lie but he thought soonyoung was the most annoying creature he had ever met.

"excuse me say something I ran after you and missed my train", soonyoung shouted at wonwoo while wonwoo casually stood there. "woah what an attitude young man", you should atleast thank me", soonyoung said while pointing a finger at wonwoo. Wonwoo was so done with this loud man. "That's ur point ur mistake who told you to come after me i dint say So please leave me alone", wonwoo said before leaving soonyoung alone in the cold night of the train station.

Soonyoung was baffled. "Woah a nice price for being kind", he thought as he sat down on the bench and was this close to a breakdown

The next train would be in the morning and Soonyoung dint know what to do.

Will soon find a way out?

Will he meet Wonwoo again?

What will happen to them? Stay tuned for the next chapter

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