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Wonwoo kept his promise. They caught the train on time and got all of Soonyoung's belongings.  "Now for the next part of the promise I leave you home", Wonwoo said lifting all of Soonyoung's belongings while giving him a smile. Soonyoung was still half asleep and wonwoo wouldn't lie when he thought when soon young pouted he wanted to kiss the pout away.

"Watch U looking at lechu go",soonyoung said and wonwoo followed him. The journey to Soonyoung's house was chaotic to say the least. Soonyoung started making conversation with the cab driver and that was a never ending conversation until they reached home.  Wonwoo was listening intently to Soonyoung and Soonyoung dint see but his excitement and his smile made wonwoo smile.

When they reached their destination soonyoung bid a dramatic goodbye to the cab driver. " My work is done princess so I shall take my leave", wonwoo said while getting ready to leave but soonyoung stopped him. "Not fair u leave me. meet my family u will like my younger brother and he will like you too then you both run away like me and my boyfriend", soonyoung said while grinning making wonwoo dumbfounded by his words.

As soon as they were inside a guy almost the same height as soonyoung  came and hugged soonyoung tight. Wonwoo assumed the guy was soonyoungs younger brother. "So wonwoo this is my younger brother chan and chan this is my friend wonwoo", soonyoung introduced. Chan was delighted to meet soonyoungs friend.

For a few days wonwoo stayed there and felt  alive. It was nothing like his 2 billion house with big rooms and expensive shit lying around. It was a simple house with 5 people living in it and wonwoo felt like he belonged there. Soonyoungs father was a strict man but wonwoo liked him. Soonyoungs mom was very like soonyoung and lastly chan was adorable and Soonyoungs childhood best friend jun was a fun person to be around. Than all the buisness men he had since he was born he found soonyoungs family contented with what they had and he could see their love for soonyoung that was dripping through their eyes.

"Today night I run away", soonyoung said while drinking his drink and wonwoo looked at him in shock. " You are leaving them i mean your family who cares this much for you?", wonwoo asked soonyoung who looked down. " You... Don't understand", soonyoung said while pouting. "So make me understand mr.kwon", wonwoo asked and Soonyoung started thinking. "My dad won't let me be with him cause if he knows am gay he will throw me out", soonyoung said and wonwoo nodded in understanding. "So make them understand instead of running away. Try saying him that is what you are", wonwoo said calmly but soon young shook his head. "I am leaving tonight Wonwoo", soonyoung stated firmly and wonwoo let out a sigh. "Since I helped you this much i shall help you runaway too. If i don't come with you God knows what will happen with you because of your naiveness", wonwoo stated and Soonyoung gave a thumbs up. "Meet me tonight at the back door my prince bye", soonyoung said before leaving wonwoos room.

Wonwoo was flustered cause soonyoung called him my prince. There was a weird feeling in wonwoo's chest which he couldn't point at. He dint want to leave soonyoung. "He has a boyfriend you fool now sleep", he told himself before drifting into dreamland.

At midnight just like soonyoung asked wonwoo met him there. " Let's go soonyoung ", he said as they both left the house. Wonwoo was having a bad feeling but he let it go for soonyoung. While giving a last look at soonyoungs house they left the place.

Morning came and a screaming chan woke Soonyoung's family up. " Dad Hyung ran away", he said and soonyoungs mom was in a mess.

But jun saw him he saw soonyoung running away with wonwoo but he never said a word. " I hope you are happy with him soonyoung", jun thought. Soonyoungs dad was disappointed.  "He would have said me before", his dad thought while settling down on the sofa and crying. Only if soonyoung knew how worried his family were.

Did soonie make a nice choice?

What will happen when soonyoung meets mingyu?

Stay tuned~~

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