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Soonyoung woke up when they reached the stop. Vernon was already waiting for Wonwoo so that they could drop soonyoung home and leave for the meeting tomorrow.

Soonyoung was nervous about what his parents would think about him after 9 months but Wonwoo assured him everything was alright. They soon reached their destination and Soonyoungs heart was beating rapidly. 

Just after Soonyoung got out of the car Chan ran and hugged him tight with a lot of tears in his eyes. "You pabo you could have stayed and convinced them instead of running away. i missed u", Chan ranted as he cried and hugged Soonyoung.

Soonyoungs mom ran and hit him lightly while saying he was stupid and her gaze shifted to Wonwoo. "You would have told him to convince us instead of taking him away like that", she said and Wonwoo's eyes widened. Soonyoungs dad said nothing but hugged him saying "You shouldn't have done that I thought I failed u", he said and after all the love Soonyoung cried more.

All of them assumed the man soonyoung liked was Wonwoo so they flooded Wonwoo with questions about who he was since they saw him on tv. Wonwoo answered everything and Soonyoung kept stealing glances towards Wonwoo.

After the questioning session Wonwoo was told to take rest so he and Vernon went to their assigned room. "Hyung they think you are their future son in law what will u and Soonyoung Hyung do now?", Vernon asked and Wonwoo had no answer this time but he just said vernon that whatever happens, they would leave tomorrow.

At around night time there was a knock on Wonwoo's door. Without even checking he knew it was Soonyoung. Wonwoo opened the door to see soonyoung.

"Won", he started but Wonwoo just pushed Soonyoung to the wall and kissed him. Soonyoung was shaken and he had no words. Wonwoo pulled back and apologized saying he would leave tomorrow morning. Wonwoo turned away to leave but Soonyoung stopped him.

"After stirring up my heart like that and kissing me you say you will leave me and who gave you the permission even", Soonyoung said and hugged Wonu. "Watch the stars with me", Soonyoung asked and dragged Wonu to the terrace.

The stars shone bright and there was deafening silence between the two of them. Wonwoo did not know what to say neither did Soonyoung. After taking a deep breath Wonwoo Said " Soonyoung I liked you ever since I saw you on the train. At first, I was just intrigued because you were opposite and carefree. You were the aspiration of what I wanted to become. The more I spent my time the more I liked you. Soonyoung not just like I love you", Wonwoo said.

Soonyoung was speechless. Wonwoo turned around cause he maybe thought Soonyoung didn't feel the same but Soonyoung said " I think I like you too. you have understood me when no one did I agree I was foolish but you embraced me Wonwoo I would love to spend my lifetime with you as well".

Wonwoo didn't know what to say. Soonyoung just leaned in and kissed Wonwoo while saying "This is my payback for your kiss". Wonwoo chuckled cause Soonyoung was so damn cute.

Little did the couple know there was someone watching them in silence while smiling "Hope you don't hurt him like the other did", he thought before leaving the couple alone.

Seren finally only one chap left 

sorry for being so inactive i will finish this by tomorrow 

love u seren

stay tuned~~~~~~

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