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"You are telling me what now? I should leave my belongings Are you friking mad?", Soonyoung shouted at the train station manager who covered his ears cause Soonyoung was loud.

Wonwoo was guilty now. He shouldn't have left the boy there as he knew people would take advantage of him. It was 1 am in the night and Soonyoung was alone god knows what would happen if he left that naive cute guy alone so Wonwoo went back.

And Wonwoo was true, some guy was pestering Soonyoung. "Hey, baby boy what are you doing alone in the night huh did ur mommy leave you", a disgusting guy said to Soonyoung as he was too near to Soonyoung for Soonyoung's liking.

Wonwoo was sure of this but just hoped he wouldn't regret his next decisions that he did not know would bring much change in his life. "Jagiya here you are i was searching for you i said you should not leave the place Let's go now", Wonwoo said to Soonyoung as he dragged him out. Soonyoung was so happy to see Wonwoo back that he abandoned all his anger and hugged Wonwoo.

Wonwoo would generally push Soonyoung away but he did not, instead, he hugged Soonyoung back. "I forgot to ask u for your name, what is it?", Soonyoung questioned Wonwoo who replied "Jeon Wonwoo". "Jeon Wonwoo, what a nice name", Soonyoung said, and unknowingly there was a smile on Wonwoo's face.

"So mr Kwon as I am the reason you missed the train I should be responsible and drop you back home.", Wonwoo said making soon young nod.

Since for this night, they needed to stay somewhere, they booked a hotel. "Well don't get a wrong idea am not dating him", Soonyoung said to a lady who was passing by making her shocked. 

"You didn't need to publicize", Wonwoo said as he rolled his eyes. "You don't know people are too judgemental and I have a boyfriend who is 6 feet tall, clumsy, and has puppy features he is just so beautiful so I don't want them to get the wrong idea am cheating on him Oh my god", Soonyoung dramatically said making won woo chuckle. "OK hamster go to sleep", Wonwoo said as he turned off the lights. "Hamster what the hell I am a tiger my boyfriend told me that", Soonyoung said as he tugged himself and drifted off to his dreamland.

The morning rays kissed Soonyoung's face waking him up. He saw Wonwoo already awake ready to leave. "Let's go and catch the bus that leaves for your hometown. If we are lucky we might catch the bus", Wonwoo said dragging a half-woken Soonyoung.

"Are you serious Jeon Wonwoo you made me run a kilometer and I found out the bus was an hour late", Soonyoung shouted at Wonwoo who just laughed. "Don't worry we will reach the station on time and collect your things and then I will drop you home my promise", Wonwoo said with a smile. Soonyoung was at ease now.

After eating and playing around with each other for a while they caught the bus. Soon Young was damn tired so he just slept again using Wonwoos shoulders as his support. an old man who was sitting next to their seat looked at both of them in awe. "Your boyfriend is a really cute young man", he said to Wonwoo who replied with thanks. Wonwoo would shout and say Soonyoung wasn't his boyfriend but for some reason, he denied that thought after seeing a cute Hamster-like tiger who was resting his head on Wonwoo's shoulder. "Cute", he mumbled before he closed his eyes and slept.

What will happen in the future?

Are you excited?

stay tuned seren~~~~~'

(my cutie wookie bear)

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(my cutie wookie bear)

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