With You

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The journey to Soonyoung's boyfriend's place was long but Wonwoo wasn't complaining. All he wanted was to spend his lifetime with this ray of sunshine but he knew he needed to let him go. Soon Young had fun every moment he got. He was too careless and carefree that bad people took advantage of him. Wonwoo wanted to protect him from all those guys and everyone who came near him but he had to let him go cause someone was waiting for Soonyoung.

The last stop before Wonwoo had to say goodbye was a beach. They reached there when the sun was just about the set and the view made it so romantic. "This place is beautiful Won", Soonyoung said as he stared at the sunset in awe. Soonyoung saw the sunset while Wonwoo saw Soonyoung. "The sunset is pretty Soonyoung", Wonwoo said as Soonyoung nodded. But little Soonyoung know The sunset is pretty meant goodbye.

Wonwoo and Soonyoung reached their destination and Wonwoo had to say goodbye. He looked at Soonyoung giving him one last look and turned back and left.  


Wonwoo has changed in every possible way after he met Soonyoung. His heart always remembered that cute boy with chubby cheeks. He wondered if Soonyoung was eating, or sleeping, and in whatever he did he found Soonyoung in it.

Vernon, his secretary, was shocked but happy to see this change in his boss.

"Did something happen in the time u disappeared but whatever happened it happened for good", Vernon commented as Wonwoo smiled. "Something did happen and that was the most beautiful moment of my life", Wonwoo replied and both of them left the building.

Chan peacefully watched TV not that he was peaceful after Soonyoung left but still needed to accept. He was scrolling all the channels until he saw a familiar face on the TV. "That man I found you", Chan said as he jumped out off the couch and left the room. He went out searching for jun so he could go to Wonu and get his hyung back. 

"Hope you are happy with him Soonie or else am murdering him", Jun was thinking when CHan suddenly came and told him he saw Wonu on the tv and asked to jun to accompany him to the city.

Wonwoo and Vernon were just walking out of the building when someone approached him and caught his collar. "You where is my hyung", Chan screamed at Wonu and Vernon tried holding him. Jun tried holding Chan too. After Chan literally murdered Wonu's collar they calmed and sat down to discuss. 

"So after all these months what you are saying is My hyung is not with you",Chan asked with a scary expression and Wonwoo nodded and head and explained to Jun that in 10 days he would bring Soonyoung back.

"I will be waiting", Jun said as he dragged a complaining Chan out.

"So that guy was the reason for your change can I see him please", Vernon asked Wonwoo who nodded with a slight blush on his face before taking out a secret picture he took of the chubby-cheeked tiger cub.

"So that guy was the reason for your change can I see him please", Vernon asked Wonwoo who nodded with a slight blush on his face before taking out a secret picture he took of the chubby-cheeked tiger cub

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"And after 9 months I get to see him lets go Vernon", Wonwoo said as they took out their and left for soonyoung.

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