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Wonwoo sat there on his side of the bed admiring his soonyoung now husband.  Wonwoo remembers the next morning after the kiss when Soonyoung introduced Wonwoo as his boyfriend. Soonyoungs dad hugged Wonwoo whispering "He is very naive and sensitive and he cries for the smallest of things. he is not so hard to please. he doesn't like those expensive gifts nor expensive gifts but spending time with him would mean a lot to him. he has always been my great treasure i hope you don't hurt him". Wonwoo had promised he would treat Soonyoung like a princess which he does till today. 

Mingyu had met Soonyoung after and had apologized. Soonyoung forgave cause that was his nature. Wonwoo decided to get married in Soonyoungs town so he invited everyone. The businessmen were bombasted when Wonwoo announced he had a husband but none of them had any audacity to question. 

While Wonwoo sat there reminiscing all those memories soonyoung stirred awake pouting at Wonwoo. It's been three years but Wonwoo is still weak for soonyoungs smile. "Get up princess it's half past 12:00 ", Wonwoo said as he cuddled soonyoung. Soonyoung jolted up and got dressed cause after a discussion the couple decided to adopt a kid. When soonyoung got out of shower Wonwoo was already dressed and was ready to go.

Wonwoo drove to the orphanage while Soonyoung talked about many things. The couple had genuine smiles on their faces and Wonwoo smiled at every single thing Soonyoung did. The finally reached talked to the orphanage lady and adopted a baby whom they named Jeon Wooyoung.

When Wooyoung came home The couple kissed his forehead saying

"Welcome home Wooyoung".

A/N: hey seren am done with this hope and well am so happy about this book hope yall also enjoyed it and thanks for baring with me and waiting ~~~

maybe i will publish a new Jihan one in future stay tuned~~~~

until then adios~~~~~~~~~

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