Soon young

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Soonyoung had thought Mingyu was his world. Mingyu's face when he saw Soonyoung come that day would never be forgotten.

"So you are saying to me we are done? just like that? After all, I did?", Soonyoung spit out questions one by one but Mingyu's answer was "Sorry". 

Soonyoung left that day with a lot of regrets. He felt disgusted at himself that he left his parents for a man like Mingyu. His thoughts then flashed to Wonwoo. "I have ruined my life myself", Sooyoung thought before going just anywhere cause he knew he couldn't show his face to anyone back home.

"Hyung I found him", Vernon shouted to Wonwoo who told the driver to go there. Sooyoung after not knowing where to go that day ended up sleeping just anywhere but a kind angel-featured blond-haired guy took soonyoung home with him that day. That blond-haired man's home is where Wonwoo and Vernon were going right now. 

Soonyoung finished his grocery shopping with the blond-haired man whose name he learned to be Jeonghan. During the time Soonyoung spent here, he learned many things like how the world works. Living with Jeonghan and Seungcheol who was Jeonghan's husband taught Sooyoung many things. 

When Soonyoung saw a black car parked in front of Jeonghan's house he was shocked to see Wonwoo out of all standing there in all glory. Sooyoung felt butterflies but he decided to act cool. Wonwoo who saw soonyoung sighed in relief. 

"Soonyoung where the hell were you its 9 friking months ", Wonwoo yelled and Jeong Han shushed him and led Wonwoo and Vernon inside. Jeonghan made them all comfortable and explained Soonyoungs situation. Soonyoung was quite all along he spoke nothing and wonwoo understood what jeonghan meant.

Wonwoo suddenly got up and said he was leaving with Soonyoung as his parents and brother were worried. Soonyoung was still reluctant to go but Jeonghan said Soonyoung to trust Wonwoo.

In that way Soonyoung ended up in Wonwoos car and the atmosphere was very akward. Soonyoung dint speak like he did before his face showed he wasnt lively like before.

Wonwoo knew he needed to change this so he stopped the car and told Soonyoung to follow him cause they were taking the train. Soonyoung spoke nothing and followed Wonwoo.

What will happen to them 💞
What awaits soonyoung ~
Stay tuned ~~

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