Getting the Job

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I woke up to the sun shining through my window as the blaring sound of my alarm entered my ears. Throwing the covers off my body , I stretched as I made my way to my on-suite bathroom and started getting ready for the day ahead. Getting out of the shower and wrapping a towel around my body, I went back into my bedroom to find some appropriate clothes, I had an interview at the natural history museum this morning with the director Dr. McPhee. 

Finally dressed in a pair of grey jeans and a navy blue top I walked out of my room and down the stairs. Suddenly my eye caught sight of the clock in the kitchen and my eye's widened as the realisation of the time hit me. Thankfully I had left my boots at the front door last night, so I grabbing them and throwing them on, I made my way out the door, locking it as I went and started walking to the museum.

Now walking up the stairs into the museum I realised I had only ever been here twice before on holiday before moving to New York a few months ago, sadly both times I had never had the chance to fully explore it. I walked into the main lobby and noticed a woman working at the front desk. Manoeuvring my way around all the tourist and young school kids, I walked over to the desk and waited to get the woman's attention.

Fiddling with my fingers I hadn't realised she was now staring at me, until her voice broke through to me. "Can I help you with something?" Although i hadn't paid her attention at first she seemed oddly unnerved. "Yes I think you can. My name Katerina I have an appointment with Dr. McPhee." Her eye's glanced from her computer over to me and then back again as she replied "Alright, so you want to go left the then walk down the hall, his office is the second door on the right." I said thank you before leaving and went in the direction she had pointed out.

Arriving at the office door I lifted my hand up to knock. Seconds later there was a faint 'come in' from the other side of the door. Reaching out, I pulled on the handle letting myself in. The room was everything I expected from a director of the museum, mahogany bookshelves and and desk placed inside filled with books and covered in different documents. 

Looking to the desk I noticed a middle aged man, wearing a two piece suit writing away. That must be Dr McPhee. Looking up from his papers he cleared his throat. "You must be a Katerina." I nodded my head and walked over to sit at the chair on the chair facing his desk. "I'm here for the job interview." 

Grasping what looked to be a file he brought it to lay in front of himself and then opened it reading over its contents. "It says her that you applied for the a night guard position." He turned his gaze to look up at me, and I nodded. "I did." Crossing his arms over his chest he gazed at me though it soon turned into what I could only say was a confused stair. "Why would someone with a degree in archeology, ancient history and ancient languages want to be a night guard at a museum?"

In retrospect his question was more than fair, with my degree and soon doctorate I could be applying for any dig I wanted. Taking a small breath I responded honestly.  "Well, I've always had a love for museums and being a night guard gives me the opportunity to learn more about the exhibits and their history. I'm also still in the proses of completing my doctorate so I thought this would be a good way to earn a wage and pass my time. " He nodded his head in what I assumed was understanding and looked back at the files. "Well I have a night guard position open, you'll be working with Mr Daley. You'll start tonight at six." a large smile grew on my face at the news. I soon thanked him and left his office to go home and get some more sleep before tonight.

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