Saving the Museum PT 1

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I woke up after a pleasantly dreamless sleep, and I couldn't help but think about ahk, even after only one night I felt almost enamoured with the pharaoh. As I sat up up, I reached over to my bedside table, grabbing my phone I noticed the time, it was five O'clock. I only had an hour until I was supposed to be at the museum. I rushed out of bed and made my way to the bathroom and got a quick shower. Once finished I went back into my room and got some clothes out to wear.

When I was finally dressed I quickly made myself some toast before rushing out the door and started walking to the museum. I finally made it to the front steps of the museum when I saw Larry standing with young a boy who looked quite similar ib both hair and facial features, I guessed this might be his son. He didn't tell me he was bringing him. I continued walking until I reached the two of them.

"Hey Larry. Who's this?" I spoke as I motioned towards the boy. He placed his hand on the boys shoulder and offered me a smile. "This is my son Nicky, I wanted him to see the museum and what it is we do here." I nodded my head in understanding and signaled for us all to make our way up the stairs and into the museum.

I decided to leave Larry and Nicky at the reception area so I could go and see Ahk after he wakes up. I had reached his tomb, but noticed that the jackal statues hadn't awoken yet. I didn't think much about and continued on my way through to the tomb. 

I finally got to Ahk's sarcophagus, but noticed that the locks were still in place and the slab hadn't moved an inch. I then realised that there was no muffled talking coming from the sarcophagus. Looking to my watch it read five past six, why hasn't he woken up yet. I looked to the wall facing me and I then noticed why. The tablet was missing. I remember Larry messaging me last night telling me all about the tablet.  

I didn't want to leave Ahk, but I knew I had to find the tablet, so I made my way out of the tomb and through the museum looking everywhere I could think that it could be.

As I made my way to the storage area I started to hear muffled noises coming from the loading deck and walked over to investigate. Once I was inside I saw three old men talking to Larry, and as my eye's shifted I noticed while Nicky stood behind his father holding the tablet. On first glance I was relieved to see it and made my way over to him.

"Hey Nicky you found it thank God." I went to take it from him and once it was in my grasp I heard someone talking behind me. "And who might you be?" I slowly turned around to find that it was the one of the old men who spoke. "I'm Kat, the new night guard." I spoke, apprehension in my tone. The man stepped towards me and out of caution I stepped back. "Oh well if you could pass us the tablet young lady that would be very much appreciated."

I looked at him in confusion and Larry spoke. "No Kat don't there trying to steal it. Just listen to me and turn the centre piece. Please." I nodded my head and brought my had to the piece. Once the piece was turned over the tablet suddenly started to glow a emitting a golden light.

I could hear the life coming back to the museum and I felt relief wash over me, but that was quickly ruined when I heard Larry shout. "Nicky, Kat run." I did what I was told without a second thought and grabbed Nicky's arm and started running back to the main part of the museum, to the only place I knew we'd be safe.

We finally made it to Ahk's exhibit and were waiting for Larry to catch up. I heard fast footsteps coming closer and saw Larry running towards us. Once he made his way inside Nicky started running towards him. But instead of running into Larry he ran into one of the old men.

"I'll be taking that now." He ripped the tablet that I had passed over to Nicky out of his arms and started walking off. I ran up after him and almost grabbed the tablet before I was hit in the leg and pushed to the ground. "We we're just locking up for the night." As this was said I heard the gates to the exhibit being shut. We were now locked in.

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