The End- Maybe

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I ran back inside the museum searching for Teddy's horse Texas, a few minutes had passed and still nothing. I did the only thing that came to mind, reaching my fingers to my lips I allowed a high pitched whistle to leave them and within seconds I noticed the stallion galloping towards me.

Reaching out and grabbing the reigns I threw myself onto his saddle. "Hiyah." And so we were off. Running out of the shipping deck we made our way through the alley and out onto the road. Cars blaring at us to get out of the way and even some shouts from the pedestrians walking along the pavement. Thats New Yorkers for you. 

Directing and maneuvering along the streets Texas we made our way into the park, as we kept going I could see Cicil and his carriage coming into view. Bending down to Texas' ear I whispered. "Come on boy let's see how fast you can run." At that he began to sprint even faster.

Now we were side by side with Cicil. "Seems you brought company, but it won't do you any good." His words baffled me, but then from the corner of my I saw Rexy on the other side of the trees with Nicky and Ahk riding atop him.

"Give me the tablet Cicil." He turned to face me a grin covering his face. "Can't do that Katerina." At his words he started to make the horse move even faster, so I did the same.

I turned to him again and shouted "Pull over." He ignored me and continued to keep going, that was until Rex found his way in front of us blocking the path. Still the horses didn't stop. Then I remembered something. "Dakota," and suddenly the horses stopped in their tracks and Cicil was frown forward along with the tablet.

Jumping off of Texas after bringing him to a halt, I ran for Cicil and before he could get up I kicked him in the face. "That's pay back." I bent down and ripped the tablet out of his arms.

I noticed Nicky and Ahk making their way down from on top of Rex's back and ran over to me. "You did it Kat." Nicky smiled up at me and I smiled at the praise. "You are truly a wonder my lady." I blushed at Ahk's words, not being able to contain my emotions in that moment I ran forward and threw my arms over his shoulders in a hug. Seems the adrenaline was still there.

When my senses finally came back I released Ahk from my hold and immediately brought my hands out in front of me pushing the tablet into Ahk's grasp as a distraction from my previous actions.

"I believe this belongs to you." I grabbed Nicky and pulled him on top of a bent down Rexy. Ahk followed our motion and soon all of us including the other exhibits were returning back to the museum, thanks to a little bit of help from Ahk.

When we arrived back at the entrance of the museum Larry was already there waiting for our return with Rebecca, the reception lady and tour guide, standing beside him. Well she's in on the secret. Once we sent Rexy round to the Loading dock so he could get back into the museum, Nicky was quick to run to his father and tell him about what happened, whilst I led Ahk back to his exhibit.

The Jackals bowed in respect to Ahk as we made it further into the exhibit. I was about say goodnight but Ahk spoke first. "Katerina, why do I feel as though you are trying to get rid of me?" I can't believe he thinks I'm trying to get rid of him, it's my own fault, I still felt embarrassed over my previously blushing self in the park.

"I'm not trying to get rid of you Ahk." I took a breath trying to get my words out. "It's just that, I don't know how to," I couldn't get it out, no matter how hard I tried. How could I convey how I was feeling.

It seemed though that I wouldn't have to, because before I could even allow another breath to leave my lips, Ahk found his own upon mine. The two of us stood there in an awkward kiss, 'wait Ahk's kissing me'.

Immediately my reflexes kicked in and we now embraced each other in a passionate kiss. We stood there for at least another minute or so until I heard a bang and clatter from behind us.

The two of us whipped around to find Larry observing the gates that lead to the exhibit. "Oh uh, hey guys just coming to, uh lock up." The last few words came out in a stutter, and me and Ahk stood there, me blushing like a mad woman.

"Um yeah." I sighed awkwardly before continuing. "I'll be out in a minute Larry." He nodded in my direction and walked out the gates, leaving me and Ahk alone once more. "I do believe I understand what you were trying to say." I began to blush even harder at this. Ahk began to lean down and whispered in my ear. "I love you."

Without another word I practically bolted out of the exhibit and to the front desk. Larry was there waiting for me. "Hey Kat everything ok." He had a cheeky grin plastered all over his face, there was no doubt that he saw me and Ahk in the moment.

I sat on top of the desk and just stared. "I know you saw what happened Larry. No need to beet around the bush." He smiled and sat beside me. "So you and Ahk. I like it. I mean it has been a bit obvious for a while but still, you like each other." I turned my head to face Larry. "Actually he just confessed. He loves me."

Larry's face grew in shock as he continued to stair. "Wait then why are you here and not with him." I sighed and held my face in the palms of my hands. "I was overwhelmed and sort of ran away." Larry smiled again. "So?" I turned my head to the side. "So?" He chuckled. "Do you love him Kat."

That's when I realised "yes" it came out in more a whisper then what I had expected, but then Larry reminded me. "So you love him but you ran away." I shoved him. "Stop. Your making it sound worse then what it actually is." He smirked again, ahh stop. "Am I?"

Suddenly it hit me. "I need to tell Ahk, and help him back into his sarcophagus." I was up in seconds and dashed back to the Egyptian exhibition. Thankfully Ahk was still there. "Ahk." I shouted down the hallway and bolted. I ran until I landed straight into his arms. "Katerina, what is it?" I took a breath before answering. "I love you." I said in a breathy tone until once again my lips fell upon his in an even more passionate embrace.


Thank you so much for reading the book. I can't believe it's taken two and a half years to finish. I guess I just got so consumed in this account, and then i couldn't update on my other one any more, but I have to say this has been so much fun to write.

I hope you enjoyed, hopefully I might bring a sequel out for it at some point. Thanks to those of you who have been with me since the begging, sorry for such a long wait.

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