Saving the Museum PT 2

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After laying on the floor for what felt like hours, I started pulling myself off the floor, knowing if there was any chance of saving the museum it wouldn't be done from a nap on the floor. Only seconds after standing did I start to feel a soft pain in my leg and ankle. I decided to ignore the pain and made my way over to Larry and Nicky.

"Hey are you two ok." Larry started nodding his head and was about to say something until Nicky interrupted. "Um Dad, look." His voice seemed filled with fear and once I saw what he saw I understood. Both me and Larry turned our heads to where Nicky was looking. I saw the jackal statues where finally awake.

I turned to look at Larry and Nicky who both had expressions of fear plastered on their faces, Larry's a more comical look of fear in comparison. When I turned back around I noticed why, the two statues now had there spears pointed at the two of them. I stepped in front of Larry and Nicky and started speaking.

"It's alright there here with me and I won't allow them to hurt the pharaoh." As I said this they lowered their spears in recognition and got down on one knee and bowed to me. I couldn't help but be confused, but knew there were more important things to be done. So I nodded my head in a similar fashion and started walking to the tomb, to Ahk's sarcophagus.

I was almost there when I heard Ahk's shrill screams coming from inside his sarcophagus. This caused panic to rise in me and forced me to run the rest of the way,  and once I got there I went round to the other side to undo the locks.

I heard their footsteps and noticed Larry and Nicky finally caught up and were both standing in the corner waiting for me. Once I undid the final lock the lid of the sarcophagus flew open and Ahk sat up still dressed in all his wrappings.

I walked over to him and started helping him remove the linen wrappings, just the same as the night before. "Kat what are you doing?" I heard Nicky's voice say from behind me, the fear still present in his voice. I just answered saying, "it's ok Nicky."

I finally got all of Ahk's wrappings off and helped him get out of the sarcophagus. "Princess Katerina a pleasure as always." I nodded my head in thanks. "I though we agreed no titles." I chuckled and so did Ahk. Suddenly Ahk's gaze fell on Nicky and Larry, who were still stood in the corner. "Who might your young friend be."

"Um this is my son Nicky he lives in Brooklyn. Well he use to when I did." Ahk looked at them for a second, his expresion bewildered at Larry's words. "Very well, guardians of Brooklyn." Ahk turned so he was now facing me again. "It is good to see you again Katerina."

I gave him a smile, but then it just dawned on me that the tablet was still missing. "Ahk we need to leave now. The tablets been stolen and we need to get it back." Ahk's face quickly fell as realisation just dawned on him. We all started running down to the gates and once Ahk noticed they were locket he asked the jackal guards to open them. They did this by throwing a stone slab each at the gates. Efficient. 

After this we all practically bolted out of the exhibit and down to the balcony that overlooks the reception. What we found was chaos. I kept my gaze focussed on the mess in front of me, all the exhibits had gone wild and the reception had become a war zone. My gazed stayed upon the carnage until Ahk brought it to something else. "What is that?" I turned to look at where Ahk was and saw Attila the Hun screaming at us from across the balcony. 

"Huns. I got to deal with this." Larry started walking and so did the rest of us and from what I could gather the huns were doing the exact same. Then Larry started to run as we got closer.

The Huns and our group finally met and Larry and Attila were shouting in each other's faces. 'So there are two children present', I thought. Attila was speaking his native language whilst Larry was just shouting gibberish. I ignored the conversation because it was just to embarrassing to watch.

When I did bother to pay attention again Larry had run over to the ledge and started shouting for everyone's attention. "Hey. Hey everyone." Unsurprisingly, no one was paying attention, so I decided to help him out. I brought two fingers to my mouth and whistled. The high pitched sound grabbing all the exhibits attention. 

Everyone stopped what they were doing and turned to us. "Thanks Kat. Ok everyone listen up." 

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