Meeting a Pharaoh

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I continued on with my walk in aww of the exhibits I saw along my way. This was the best decision of my life, I couldn't wait to see what the rest of the night had in store. I kept walking and noticed a sign that read 'Egyptian Exhibit', I couldn't contain my excitement as I ran straight on into the exhibit. I remember the last time I was able to come to the museum on my holiday, it took my friend Amy an hour to get my out of the exhibit. I stopped in my tracks the moment I saw two jackals standing guard, they were huge and had giant spears, I'm dead. I tried to hide behind one of the pillars, but it was to late when I noticed the two of them turning around.

Immediately their spears were drawn and pointed towards me. I tried to hide my fear, though it was easier said than done and then a thought came to mind, 'this better work'. In an effort to save my skin I began speak ancient Egyptian hoping it prove I wasn't a threat. "I mean you and this tomb no harm, I am here with no weapon."

I thanked whichever Gods that chose to listen to my plea, that the Jackals understood me and lowered their weapons as a sine of peace. Recovering my breath, I could finally make my way into the exhibit. The further I waled into the exhibit the louder a strange ring of muffled cries began to be that came from up ahead. Fearing it may be Larry and he was in trouble I began running down the short corridor and when I came to the end I was met with a sarcophagus, which appeared to be the sauce of the cries.

The cries seemed to be coming from the inside and with them the sarcophagus began to shake. With slow steps I made my way over to the sarcophagus, causes to keep slight distance. The screams all of a sudden began to get louder as I approached and once I reached the sarcophagus I shouted over the cries that had turned to screams. "Hello. It's ok I'm going to get you out of there." As I spoke I ran to the other side and started pulling out the pins that I noticed held the lock on the Sarcophagus in place.

Moving back to my previous position, I began to push the the stone slab that lay on top. It probably weighed more than double my weight, but after minutes of relentless heaves and intakes of breath, with one last push I was able to remove the stone slab, with a crash echoing throughout the exhibit. 

The crash held my attention as I hoped it wouldn't attract anyone else's, but my attention to the slab was immediately taken away once I caught movement from out of the corner of my eye. Turning my head slowly, along with the rest of my body, once my eye's settled they felt as if they were about to burst at the sight before me. I felt as though I wanted to scream yet no noise left my mouth, as my eye's now laied upon a fully awake and upright Mummy.   

The Mummy was sitting up straight in front of me, I held back the small scream that now collected in my throat. My eye's didn't wander as I witnessed the mummy reaching its hands up to the top of its head and began to unravel its linen wrappings. I closed my eyes, not wanting to see the corpse of a dead man. 

Though I was surprised when I heard a cough and an accented voice that sounded all to similar to my own British one. "You won't believe how stuffy it is in there." I slowly peeled open my eyes, hoping I wouldn't regret it. Once they were fully open I couldn't believe what I saw, a man who couldn't be much older than me, with dark brown almost black hair, smooth olive skin and oddly captivating brown eyes.

I stood in aww at the fact I was staring a, suppose to be dead, man in the face. "I am Ahkmenrah, fourth king of the fourth kings, ruler of the land of my father." I couldn't believe I was now face to face with a real life ancient pharaoh. My eyes followed his every action as he started to make his way out of the sarcophagus, but he lost his balance and tripped over his wrappings. On instinct I quickly moved over to him, to catch him before he feel to the floor. I then began to help him stand thinking he hasn't walked in thousands of years.

As my arm was wrapped around his, I could feel as he turned his head to face me. "Thank you. What might your name be?" At hearing his voice once more I swallowed the lump that had continued to form in my throat. "My name is Katerina," suddenly remembering that I was standing in front of a pharaoh I released his arm and stood and bowed, then continued "your majesty."

I stood up, raising my head just as Ahkmenrah spoke. "It is a pleasure to meet you princess Katerina. Thank you from saving me." I smiled and I could feel a slight bit of heat rising to my cheeks, as he called me a princess. "Your welcome, though I am afraid I am no princess."

He stairs at me in shock for a second, before recovering his stance and awareness. "You speak my language?"  I was surprised when he did not correct his previous words, though answered anyway wanting to be polite. "Yes."

Ahkmenrah then began to undo the rest of his linen wrappings that surrounded his body.I waited patiently as he did so and once he was done my eyes caught sight of his hand that was stretched out towards me, as he waited looking at me expectantly for me to take it. I lifted my hand from my side and took his in my own. "Walk with me?" As my hand rested in his, I could feel a strange, but equally comforting warmth spread over my hand. It was surprising as I had expected his skin to be cold, like ice.  

The two of us kept walking and passed the two jackal statues, who were now bowing towards their pharaoh. We made our way out of the exhibit when a question suddenly came to mind. "How long were you trapped in the sarcophagus?" I asked, my own curiosity taking over. 

"Since the day I was buried over three thousand years ago." I was caught off guard by the change in language, but didn't think much of it. We continued our walk in peaceful silence until we made it to the stair case that led down to the main lobby.

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