Closer to Sunrise

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Now that everyone was quiet Larry could finally explain what was going on. "Ok. This here is king Ahkmenrah, his tablet is what brings you to life every night, and those old night watchmen they stole it. Now we need to find those guards and get the tablet back and we need to do it before morning." 

Once Larry had finished his little speech or whatever you want to call it, he turned to me with his face saying go on, I decided to give him a confused look, as I didn't know what he wanted me to do. "I thought you'd want to, uh to, make the plan." I just shook my head at this whilst suppressing a chuckle and turned to face the inhabitants of the museum.

Clearing my throat I began to shout loud enough for all the exhibits to here. "Civil war soldiers, to the planetarium wing. Columbus take the Neanderthal and do a sweep from invertebrates to reptiles. Jed, Oc I noticed their vans parked outside, do you think you can handle it?" Just as the words left my mouth Jed just had to start complaining. "Sorry kitty Kat, but I won't be working with toga boy." And Oc decided to mirror his complaint. "Romans work alone." As Oc said this Jed stamped his foot on top of Oc's.

I sighed at their childish behaviour. When will they learn. "Guys stop fighting. At this moment in time it doesn't matter wether your Roman or cowboy, toga wearer or gun shooter. What matters is that your both leaders and you want what's best for your people, if we don't succeed tonight then all of this is lost. Now isn't the time for petty arguing, nows the time to stand together and for the life of this museum. So your either with me, or you can stand and watch as the night comes to an end and you along with it. What will it be?"

As I waited for a response I noticed Ahk staring at me out of the corner of my eye. He seemed enthralled in my words, but at the same time I'd even say mesmerised by them. I gave him a slight smile so he knew I saw him and I appreciated it.

As I turned back to face the others I heard Jed shout. "We're with you Kitty Kat." Then it was Octavius. "We will stand by you my lady." Once the two had finished, the whole museum started cheering, I couldn't help that my smile grew at this at this. "Alright let's get that tablet."

As everyone started running off doing their part I turned to the rest of us who stood on the balcony. "Larry you need to go and make sure that the exhibits catch everyone, ok." He nodded at me and ran off with Nicky following close behind. "Ahk your with me." The both of us started running when Ahk asked me "and what is it that we are doing?" As we reached the store room I answered. "Cicil's smart, if anything he knows how valuable the tablet is on its own and will try and make a run with it and to do that he'll have to come through here."

He smiled at me and I back, but it didn't last long as Nicky and Larry came running. "We couldn't find Cicil." He must have already left. "How are we going to find him?" I directed the question at Larry and thank God he had a solution. "I think I know someone who can help" at this we all started running back into the museum.

We stopped once we reached Sacajawea's exhibit. Larry grabbed a canon ball from near by and shouted for us all to stand clear as he through it towards her exhibit, smashing through the glass. I walked over to her and helped her step over the fallen glass. "We need to find someone, do you think you could help us?" She nodded her head and we started running again.

Once we found our way outside I stood out of the way beside Ahk as we allowed her to work her magic. "Do you think she can do it?" Ahk asked as he grabbed onto my hand for warmth. "I know she can." I gave him a smile and returned my attention back on Sacajawea.

"He went east, but lost control and crashed." Larry stepped forward, his voice in aww of her work. "That's incredible, how did you do that?" She pointed her finger and as my eyes followed I noticed she pointed at the crashed van and lamp post. I chuckled as Larry's expression fell.

She turned around and stared back at the museum. "Then he went back." My face scrunched up at this. "Why would he-" before I could continue I heard the fast paced gallop of hooves. Before the horses and their carriage could barge right into us I through myself at Ahk to push us both out of the way and in the corner of my eye I saw someone do the same to Sacajawea.

I stood up and offered Ahk my hand which he graciously took and pulled himself up. Once I knew we were both alright I ran over to make sure the others were as well. Once's I reached them I found Larry kneeling over Teddy's broken body. My Lips feel into a frown at the sight before me. "No need worry either of you, I'm wax I'll be fine. Now you need to hurry it's almost sunrise and half the museums running a muck outside." Ahk cut in from beside me, "and he has my tablet." As he said this his attention was soully on me.

As I sat there thinking it suddenly hit me. "Teddy I need a horse." He smiled in a knowing way. "Do it Kat." 

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