Things Turn to Dust

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The first thing that caught my eye, as I looked down from our spot on the stair case, was a toy car that was speeding across the room, taking another look I saw the T-rex chasing after the bone that attached to the back of the toy car. As Rexy ran by his tale was coming straight towards us, so I did the only thing that came to mind. On instinct I pulled Ahkmenrah down by his arm and we both fell to floor.

Once I knew we were in the clear I looked over to Ahkmenrah to see his face filled with shock and confusion. I started getting up, pulling him with me in the process. "I'm sorry. It was the only thing I could think of to get us out of the way." My tone apologetic as I spoke. 

He turned to look at me and instead of the shocked expression he held only moments ago, it was replaced by a kind smile. "I believe you just saved my life. Thank you." I smiled at him, for some reason feeling slightly awkward. "Your welcome." We then both continued on our way downstairs.

Now in the lobby I saw Theodore Roosevelt riding over to us and his face held a blank expression. "Katerina what have you done. You were never suppose to release the pharaoh." I was confused as to how he knew my name, but then realised Larry most likely had told him about me. I looked towards Ahkmenrah and then back to Teddy.

"I'm sorry Teddy I didn't know, but I wasn't about to leave him to suffocate inside his sarcophagus." I turned to look at the pharaoh in question, who was now giving me a grateful look. I heard Teddy clear his throat. "Very well, but I don't want you letting him out of your sight."

I smiled towards Ahkmenrah and then turned back around. "Hey Teddy where's Larry, I haven't seen him since he arrived." Teddy seemed to be looking behind me, before he replied. "Ah Lawrence." I turned around to see Larry coming down the stairs.

"Hey Teddy, Kat."I then noticed him glancing at Ahkmenrah. "Who's this?" I walked over to Larry, bringing my two companions with me. "Larry this is the pharaoh Ahkmenrah. Ahkmenrah this is Larry the other night guard." Larry waved and Ahkmenrah nodded his head in acknowledgement.

"Kat I was going to go check on the miniatures if you wanna come." I nodded my head and started to follow him. I could feel someone else behind me and when turned around I saw it was the pharaoh. He walked beside me and as we continued on our hands suddenly brushed against one another. Feeling the need he grabbed ahold of my hand and I took hold of his. 

The three of us entered the miniatures' exhibit and to my surprise nothing looked like it had be destroyed. A smile graced my lips as I released Ahkmenrah's hand and walked over to the Roman's side and knelt down. "Octavius ." I noticed him in the back as he started walking towards me and once he was close enough I held out my hand. "Can you come with me a sec?" He jumped onto my hand and I went to get Jed as well.

I walked over to the seat, in the centre of the room, the both of them in my hand, and put them  down gently. "Are we in trouble again missy." I took a breath. "No not at all. I just wanted tell you that I'm proud of you both. You were able to coincide with one another, or most likely just ignored each other, but still." Octavius then spoke. "I am honoured to know we have please you my lady."

I couldn't help but chuckle at his words. "You don't have to keep calling me missy or my lady. Just Kat's fine." Neither of them could reply because I heard shouts coming from behind me. When I turned around I saw Larry chasing after something.

I ran over towards were he once was and asked Ahkmenrah "What's he chasing?" The pharaoh started chuckling. "A monkey stole his keys and Larry went to retrieve them." I couldn't help it and started laughing as well. "Let's hope he gets them back."

After waiting a few minutes Larry came back holding the monkey who still held his keys. "I see you caught your keys." Larry gave me a look that said 'don't'. "Yeh well he won't give them back. Any ideas?" I walked over to Larry and the monkey and held my hand out.

The monkey dropped the keys into my open hand and started climbing up my arm and sat on my shoulder. "See wasn't so hard now was it. Do you have a name?" Larry mumbled "Dexter."

Dexter bent down and gave me a kiss on the cheek. "Well Dexter thanks for giving me back the keys." Larry then spoke up. "It's almost sunrise we should get you all back to your exhibits." I walked over to Larry and with a slight shake of my shoulder Dexter jumped onto his.

"Hey what are you doing." I chuckled. "He's not going to hurt you. If your worried about the keys give them to me then I'll give them back to you when I get back." He nodded his head and walked off.

I grabbed Ahkmenrah's hand and we started making our way back to his tomb. Once we arrived I decided to sit at the edge of his sarcophagus. "I really enjoyed tonight." I noticed that his eye's seemed to brighten slightly when I spoke. He then turned to me with a smile on his lips. "Yes it has certainly been a night to remember."

I looked down at the sarcophagus i was perched on, and then looked back up to the pharaoh. I saw a look of fear rush over his expresion as he understood what my look meant. "You ok?" He turned to look at me once again. "Will I see you tomorrow night?"

I gave him a smile and placed my hand on his, in comfort. "Don't worry your majesty I'll be here as soon as you wake up tomorrow, then we can do whatever you want afterwards." He smiled at me and started to bend down. He gave me a slight kiss on my forehead, which surprised me, but I found it quite nice. Once he was finished I could feel the blush on my cheeks. I helped him into the sarcophagus. "Princess." At the sound of the title I looked back at him. "Please call me Ahk." I smiled and nodded. "Only if you call me Kat." He nodded also and then began to lye down. 

Once I placed the lid back on top I made my way out of the exhibit, my smile not leaving my face. As I made my way out the jackal statues bowed to me and out of respect I bowed to them. I was out of the exhibit when I saw Larry walking over to me. "Hey have you seen one of the Neanderthals." I gave a confused look. "No."

We both started running to their exhibit in a panic and when we stopped I did notice one was missing. I shivered as cold air flew past. "You ok?" I nodded my head. "Why's it so cold?" I didn't get an answer, instead both me and Larry turned to each other with fearful looks. "Dexter."

We started running to the nearest window and saw it was fully open. Looking outside we both saw the missing Neanderthal out on the street. I noticed light beginning to shine in my hand and as I looked up to the sky the sun started to rise over the city. The moment it reached the Neanderthal he turned into dust and was gone. "Oh no."

We made our way back to the reception a sorrowful look on both of us. As we saw people were already making there way inside I heard someone shouting from behind us and turned around to see Dr. McPhee. "Mr Daley. Foam in the Neanderthal exhibit."

Dr. McPhee continued to shout at Larry as they were making their way to his office. I followed behind them until I heard him shout, "your fired." I walked over and asked "and what about me." His expression softened ever so slightly. "You can have one more night. Now leave whilst I talk to Mr Daley."

I made my way out of the office and outside to wait for Larry and see what Dr. McPhee had said. I waited for a few more minutes till I saw Larry making his way out of the museum and down the steps towards me. "What happened? What did he say?"

Larry smiled at me and said "he's letting me have one more night like you." A smile grew on my face. "That's great Larry. So we'll just have to make sure everyone's on their best behaviour." After that I started making my way back home so I could get some rest before tonight.


A/N Hi guys, even though I'm reposting this book I still want to thank liasawford18 because in the past when I first wrote this book I wasn't planning on updating, until I saw their comment.

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