Late Night Talks

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Question for Readers: I just realized that I never described Skylar and Starla before. I've mentioned them being a year younger than Teddy but I've never gave them an appearance. Do you guys want me to give them an appearance or leave them as faceless?


Judge Tavo ended up ruling in Katie's favour and gave no custody rights to both Honerva and Zarkon. Making it clear that neither was allowed to be apart of Teddy's life without Katie's written permission or until Teddy was eighteen and chose to give his grandparents a second chance. 

Neither Honerva and Zarkon was pleased with such ruling and Tavo happily made it very clear that if either used any under the table moves to try and ruin the Holt name, family or gain the child in any other means than in a court. Tavo will personally take the case to deal with them both in a legal way.

The two seemed to understand that they had lost and at least had the dignity to storm away and leave in their car without putting themselves in anymore trouble or embarrassing themselves. 

Seems the pair ditching their "beloved" grandson during the attack to get themselves to safety had placed the nail in the coffin for any chances of grandparents rights. 

Hence they were now at Katie's place. Teddy picking out the originally star wars movies while Matthew was helping to grab the metal straws for their drinks. Katie heading out to meet with Keith who was planning to pick up their McDonald tea on his way over.

Thankfully neither uncles needed to pack a bag of their belongings since they keep a gym bag at Katie's. It held two sets of clothing, one lazy set and one set they'd happy to go out in. As well as a single set of pyjamas and some underwear and socks. Their second tooth brushes were kept in the bag as well as opened toothpaste over their preferred type.  

They'd kept that bag at Katie's for sleepover nights like tonight or when one ends up having to stay with Katie for whatever reason. Katie and Teddy have their own shared gym bag packed at the two boyfriend's apartment for whenever they end up staying over unexpectedly. 

Katie had her freezer shopping bag, hoping to tuck the take out inside to help keep it warm as long as possible as she and Keith head back to hers. 

Neither talked much as they stepped inside the McDonald's place and ordered. Placing the still warm food in the freezer bag before halfling the drinks to carry in the cup holders and heading back.  Glancing around as the roads weren't overly busy at 5pm but there were still a few people scattered around. 

"I don't know how he snuck past me. I was on the rooftop opposite to the courts. I have a full view over the courts. He shouldn't have been able to sneak inside" Keith admitted in a frustration voice, almost scared over how easily this new villain had snuck past him. 

"He could have entered as an civilian and then slip on the cloak once inside. And don't blame yourself. We've all overlooked a criminal or been too late. Growing depressed from it afterwards helps no one" Katie calmly reponed as she knew no one was to blame. Being a hero wasn't easy or 100% successful. Bad guys sneak past them, crimes are committed close by and they can't always save the day every single time. 

"He came from the roof. He cut into the actual roof and than jumped inside. And he kept cutting through the flooring of upstairs before landing in your courtroom. He did it right in front of me and I didn't see. I didn't even know trouble had fallen onto my family until you set that distress signal out" Keith hisses out in raw rage aimed at himself for not seeing the cloaked villain who stood right in front of him the whole time. How easily he almost lost his family if it wasn't for the distress signal being used. 

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