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Chapter 2: Is usually the easiest
Chapter 2

Is usually the easiest

"Colonnello, you didn't need to kick Skull that hard." Lightly scolds Luce, helping Skull to stand.

"There are more important things to worry about Luce, than our family dynamic." Says Lal Mirch, flicking her head over in the direction of their current topic.

"If you guys keep talking like that, then I'll shoot you where you stand." Growls Reborn.

Everyone turns back to him, who is finally acting like normal again.

"I don't think you should let it get to you." Comments Fon, talking to Reborn "What's more important is what caused this change in you."

"Yeah, kora! What happened to the cold Hitman that you usually are? I've never seen an expression like that on your face." Questions Colonnello, walking over to Reborn.

Reborn shifts the package in his arms, unconsciously holding it tighter, as if protecting it.

"I think I know~!" Sings Luce, wagging her finger. "There is only one thing that can produce a change like this in a man." The others all look over, wanting the answer to the hardest puzzle presented to them yet.

Luce releases a bright smile, looking over at the bundle in the Hitman's arms.

"A child."

There is a collective gasp from the other Arcobaleno. Reborn and a child? Yeah right.

However, a small wiggle and a babyish gurgle reveal that she was right.

"Yes, I am currently holding onto a child. Do any of you have a problem with that?" Reborn asks, eyes glaring at each of them in turn. They all shake their heads, not wanting to face this man's wrath.

Viper smiles. "See I told you something interesting was going to happen on this mission Reborn. Now you owe me that money." She places her hands on her hips, a grin easily visible under her hood.

"Fine, it'll be in your account by tomorrow. But I hardly call this interesting. The mission was one of the most boring yet." Reborn sighs, shifting the bundle to one of his arms.

"I hardly believe in those powers of yours Viper, but I do agree that you were right." admits Verde. "This is an interesting turn of events."

"Reborn, let Mamma Luce take a look." she asks, holding her arms out pleadingly. Reborn sighs at the madness around him, and passes the baby into her arms.

"Reborn-sempai," carefully asks Skull, peeking around Luce for protection. "How did you of all people end up with a baby?"

"What do you mean by that?" Reborn asks. He takes aim and shoots Skull, grazing his upper arm, but making sure to aim as far away from the baby as possible.

"Out of all of us, you are the least likely to return home with an infant, I'm afraid Reborn." Explains Fon "Even Verde and Viper are more likely to return with a child than you are."

"Yeah, one to experiment on it and the other to gain money from them." Mutters Lal under her breath. Said people glare at her, even though it's the truth, but quickly return their gaze back to Reborn.

"Fine. It's not an amazing tale or anything..."

Reborn slid around the corner after checking that no one was there. Without making a sound, he strode down the alleyway, eyes wary and on the lookout for any movement. Leon was a comforting weight in his hand. Finally he came to the next junction, and a smile formed on his face. This was too easy, he could hear the target from here.

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