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Chapter 5: But once you start
Chapter 5

But once you start

Reborn awakes to a heavy feeling on his chest. Staying stock still as to not alert the person that he is awake, he opens one eye. He is met by a small bush of brown hair. Opening his other eye, he relaxes. It seems that during the night the baby had ended up on his chest. How Reborn wasn't sure, but he hoped it had nothing to do with the arm wrapped tightly around the boy.

Letting go, Reborn turns on his side, letting the child slide off and bounce gently against the bed. Amazingly Tsunayoshi doesn't wake up. Instead, he instinctively snuggles backwards until he's back against Reborn's chest. The tiniest smile escapes from Reborn's mouth before he catches himself. What am I doing? I'm a hitman. I can't get attached to him. I'm a ruthless killer, an emotionless shadow in the dark. I'm not capable to look after something like him, to give him what he needs. I'm an assassin, not a father, and there's a reason for that distinction.

"LUCE!" Down the hall there's a thump, a few clatters and a bang, before footsteps sound and his door slams open too. Standing there is a dishevelled Luce, only in a nightdress since she didn't have time to put a dressing gown on. She looks around the room for the threat, before resting eyes on Reborn.

"Reborn," she gasps, still half asleep "What's the matter?" She looks down at Reborn's chest to see the baby, looking bewildered at the sudden range of loud noises. Reborn grabs the baby by the back of its clothing and holds it out for her to take. The baby claps at the swinging motion, enjoying the ride.

"Take it." Reborn growls, before literally throwing the baby at her. Luce scrabbles forwards and catches the child. Sighing now that Tsunayoshi is safe, she turns dangerous eyes to Reborn.

"Reborn, how dare you throw him like that! What if he had fallen? I can't believe that you would do something so irresponsible." She holds the baby tightly against her body and half turns, keeping the child as far away from Reborn as possible.

"I am dangerous Luce. The baby should learn that now and stay away from me." Luce's expression changes from mad to confused, but Reborn simply rolls over, his back to them. Leon stares at them for a moment, large eyes trembling and looking sad, before climbing over Reborn and out of sight.

She turns and walks out of the door, closing it behind her. Slowly she walks downstairs, wondering what's happening behind those blank eyes of Reborn's. Once in the kitchen, her body follows a routine not followed for nearly for nearly 20 years without her mind's agreement. Before she knows it, she's sat on the sofa, bottle of milk in her hands.

She blinks out of her thoughts when the load in her hands lightens. Turning, she sees that Fon has taken Tsunayoshi out of her arms and is calmly feeding him once again. She smiles at the sight, thinking how natural it looks. "You've gotten good at that." she admits.

Fon looks up and gives her a smile. "Well, you weren't doing a very good job of it." She looks stunned for a moment, so he elaborates. "You were staring into space, leaving this little one to try and feed itself."

"I was?" He nods. "Well, it's just Reborn. He brought Tsunayoshi home and everything, and he was even smiling at the child yesterday, but now, he doesn't want anything to do with him. He even threw the baby at me earlier."

"That's Reborn for you," says Fon, shaking his head. "Just give him time to adjust, and he'll be fine. Out of all of us, he's going to have the hardest time becoming a father."

"Luce, kora!" Comes a shout from the kitchen. "Ain't you started breakfast yet? I'm famished." Leaving the baby in Fon's capable hands, she walks into the kitchen and starts breakfast.

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