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Chapter 25: From all over the World
Chapter 25

From all over the world.

It's time to reveal who this mysterious Family is that no one guessed. To be honest though, I wasn't expecting many people to guess this one.

Those of you who like the Purple Pairing, aka Viper and Skull, should be happy with this one. I call them that since Skull's Cloud Purple and Viper is Mist Indigo, which are both well... purple. However, as you all know, I don't do pairings in this fic, so read as deep into it as you like.

"Viiiipeeeerrrr. What's taking Skull so long?" Whines Tsunayoshi impatiently. Skull had disappeared after breakfast saying he'd be with them in a moment. That was half an hour ago.

"One moment, I'll get him." Says Viper, she didn't like to be late for appointments. It was a waste of time and money. Closing her eyes, she concentrates.

Tsunayoshi wonders what she's doing. He is answered by Skull's terrified scream, a scream that is followed by the roar of a motorbike. Skull comes careening around the corner of the house, crying his head off and screaming the whole time. He drives past Tsunayoshi and Viper and straight out of the gate.

Viper looks down at the boy, a malicious smile on her face. "There we go Tsunayoshi. We won't be late now" for Viper really really hated being late.

"Viper!" pouts Tsunayoshi "What did you do to Skull?" he demands, stamping a foot on the floor. She just answers with another smile and a wave of her fingers. Tsunayoshi sighs and runs after Skull.

After nearly tripping a few times, he catches up to Skull who has stopped outside of a new gate. Skull was panting and wiping away his tears, making himself presentable once again.

"Damn that witch." He pants, catching his breath after all of that screaming. "And she's the nice one too"

"Since we have arrived on time I won't charge you for that insult" remarks Viper, casually walking up to where they are. Skull actually wondered why Viper was here. Even though she had told Tsunayoshi she was here to translate, that wasn't actually true. Everyone on the island spoke Italian since it was the language of the Mafia. It was no different for these people. Even though they came from a different country, they still knew Italian so Tsunayoshi would have no problems communicating. It would have been hard for this Family to negotiate anything if they didn't speak Italian.

Viper knocks on the door and it is quickly opened. The man takes a look at who is there before leaning backwards to shout down the garden. "Yo, Boss. Miss Mammon and Skull from Hell and some brat" Viper and Skull practically growl, and even if he can't see either of their eyes through their hood/ helmet, he knew he was being glared at, so he quickly amends himself "er child are here." Tsunayoshi doesn't have a clue what is going on since he doesn't understand the language. All he got were the words Mammon and Skull. The guard must have said something wrong since Tsunayoshi felt them become tense and angry for a moment.

"What? Skull is here? Well then let them in!" comes a voice from behind the door. The guard opens the door wider and admits the three guests.

From across the lawn, a man stands up from where he was sat at a table with some others. The sun glints off of his gold jewellery. He is quite a large man, obviously well fed, with short hair cut into an interesting stripes. "How nice of you to join me today." He exclaims. "Would you like to sit and play a game with us?" He lifts an arm to show his full hand of cards and then gestures to the table he and others were sitting at.

Viper's eyes light up at the prospect of winning more money. And these people knew how to gamble. She could get a whole lot of money off of them. "Sure" she says normally, hiding her excitement. She walks over to the table, Skull following and takes the offered seat. Skull sits next to her and Tsunayoshi sits on Skull.

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