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Chapter 24: You'll find that Friends
Chapter 24

You'll find that friends

Anyone who has only seen the anime and not read the manga won't actually know who this Family is, since they were so unpopular they were cut out. And whilst that may have given it away, I'm sure most of you had already guessed it. If you are interested, he's in chapters 44-47 inclusive. Now I've never written him, nor a character like him before, nor am I anything like this man, so I'm not sure how this will turn out.

At Breakfast, Tsunayoshi looks around the table and smiles at how everyone is getting along. Not a lot has really changed, not that he can remember all that far back. Verde is still scribbling notes with one hand whilst eating toast with the other. Colonnello and Lal are flirting/ arguing- you can never tell with those two. Viper is, as usual, upstairs asleep. She doesn't like to be up early if she doesn't have to be. Skull is trying to attract attention and avoid Reborn's killer glare at the same time. Reborn is trying to ignore everyone around him but ends up snapping at Skull when the stuntman gets too loud and obnoxious. Luce and Fon just stare on, both with a simple smile on their faces, watching the others whilst holding their own conversation. Tsunayoshi looks down at his drawing of the scene, with everyone drawn in the colours he thinks represents them. Not that he'd tell them that, yellow wasn't exactly a colour to describe Reborn after all. But he still felt like it was the right colour for him. It wasn't until then, with it all drawn out that he realised he's drawn using a rainbow of colours- Viper was included in the picture, he had just imagined what she'd be doing, most likely counting the money she had won from last night. He was in the picture too, coloured the same orange Luce was. It wasn't due to his admiration of her, he did admire her though, but he just felt like it was the right colour for him. And looking down at the pack of crayons, he remembered something that had been bugging him for a while now.

He was snapped out of his contemplation by Skull. "Come on Tsunayoshi, it's time to get dressed for today." Skull seemed quite happy today for some reason. Maybe he liked this Family too? Fon stands up too and smiles at them.

"Don't worry Skull, I'll get him dressed, why don't you finish up breakfast first?" Skull couldn't exactly argue, since in his haste to leave already (which had nothing to do with getting away from Reborn's glare... honest) that he had left half of his breakfast unfinished, whilst Fon had eaten all of his and even washed his plates up. So in defeat Skull sits back down. Luce smiles at them before looking back to Fon.

"Everything you need is in your room." She then looks at Tsunayoshi, a tiny bit of worry in her eyes. Although it seemed normal motherly worry than Mafia Mother worry, which was always a good sign. It was the type of worry that meant she thought he was going to fall over, or get wet, or something else non-lethal. So whilst confusing the little boy, he didn't worry and just followed Fon up the stairs.

When upstairs and in Fon's room, Tsunayoshi stands in his underwear before Fon hands him something he's never seen before. No wait, he has worn this before, when he went to the Varia. "This is really lightweight body armour Tsunayoshi and it should stop you from getting hurt if something goes wrong where we are going." Fon explains.

Tsunayoshi tilts his head and looks up at the older man. "What are you expecting to go wrong?" he asks. He's not really worried for he can feel that Fon isn't worried either.

"Well this Family isn't exactly a family as such. They fight a lot, often with guns. We just want to make sure that you are protected in case they start another family fight, that's all. Of course me and Skull shall be there to protect you the whole time anyway. But you know Luce" and here Tsunayoshi rolls his eyes "She's just being protective as usual."

Luce knew how to take protection to extremes. She has even wrapped him up in cotton wool when he was first learning to walk so it didn't hurt as much when he fell. In actuality, it doesn't work very well. You need so much cotton wool for that to work that Tsunayoshi could have easily joined a field of sheep and not look any different. Reborn took protection in a different slightly more creepier extreme with stalking and shooting. Tsunayoshi wasn't sure which he was more scared of. Although scared wasn't the right word for it. Like everything else, he saw it as natural and not weird or creepy at all. It was everyone else that saw it as such.

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