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Chapter 27: But Together
Chapter 27:

But Together

Seems like we have a lot of Reborn supporters reading this fic. I however, like a few others, hope that Colonnello would win with some random and totally unsuspected Drunk Attack. Or, like a few others, it ends in a draw. However, there is the fact that Reborn is the Strongest Arcobaleno and he wasn't drunk at the time. But for being drunk, Colonnello sure put up an awesome fight.

I've been waiting to write this chapter the WHOLE time I've been writing this fic- which is quite a while now. And this, I can hopefully guarantee, is totally unique. (it damn better be)

Today it was raining. As simple as that. Unluckily for the others, they all had things to be doing today. Apart from Luce, whose job, since she was no longer the Giglio Nero Boss, was to stay home all day. Lucky her. Skull was off doing a Stunt Gig. Viper was helping the Varia. Reborn too was on a mission as was Fon. Lal and Colonnello were off doing something for the CONSUBIN. Verde had gone to a science convention. The house hadn't been this empty for a long time.

Not that Tsunayoshi minded all that much. He loved playing in the rain. After gaining permission from Luce, he put on his Stylised Lion rain cape, a pair of yellow lion wellingtons and went outside to go jump in puddles.

This is it. The chance I've been waiting for. Luce is watching a soap opera and won't check on Tsunayoshi for another hour. None of the other Arcobaleno are in the house. There is no better time than this. I can complete the most important part of the plan. We've all worked too hard on this plan for it to fail now. I will accomplish my mission. Thinks the Man in the Trees to himself. So jumping down from his perch, he walks over to the Arcobaleno house's gate.

Everything has been going well so far. Tsunayoshi, boy it sounds weird thinking that, anyway, he's started to build up good relationships with every Family on Mafia Row. All of the Families know who he is and find him cute, adorable and generally loveable. That's just what we need. The Mafia needs to be more joined, more like one big Family and hopefully Tsunayoshi, I'm not going to get over how weird that sounds, will be able to accomplish that. Hopefully he can win this person over too. I found out about them too late to be able to do anything. With this Family, we will be able to stop the threat. I sure hope so.

With his hopes riding on the small boy on the other side of the gate, he unlocks it and cracks it open. Leaving before Tsunayoshi can notice him, he hides back in the trees to watch.

Jump, jump jump. Tsunayoshi jumps from one puddle to the next, trying to make the biggest splash possible. He jumps right down the path towards the gate. Just as he is about to turn around and go back again, he notices something strange. The gate was open. He looks around and doesn't see anyone around who could have opened it. So going up to it, he peers outside. Still nothing. However his eyes travel upwards and he looks straight down Mafia Row. And there, far in the distance, was a house that was the mirror image of his own. Where his house had white walls, it's was black. Blue windows became red.

And something draws him to that house. It's so strong that he actually steps outside the safety of the gate and onto Mafia Row by himself.

He walks past Aria's house.

As Tsunayoshi leaves the Giglio Nero base, he waves and says 'byebye' to everyone, since that's what Luce taught him to do. Everyone smiles back and says bye too.

"Did you enjoy today Tsunayoshi?" Luce asks as they walk back inside the Arcobaleno gate.

"Yeah I did. So did Natsu!" he replies, shaking the lion in enthusiasm. Yet as he looks back up at the house, his heart clenches and he stops walking.

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