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Chapter 21: Under this Starry sky
Chapter 21

Under this starry sky.

I'm messing with time once again guys. The problem with Tsunayoshi being 4 is that those younger than him aren't born yet. For example in reality Fuuta is actually 5 years younger, 9 to Tsuna's 14. So to make this chapter worthwhile, Fuuta is being born earlier, as shall I-pin and Lambo (who are coming later alright). As a result all three of them shall be 2. I hope you don't mind.

God, my own plot had backed me into a corner! Really, who's the author here, me or the Fic? For I have a weird feeling it's not me.

For those who guessed Yamamoto because of the rain thing- I both can and can't see where that came from. Obviously Yamamoto is the Rain of the Sky, yet why would they not want it to rain when he was around? Anyway, all shall be revealed. And please refrain from head-butting walls, I'd like for you to be able to read more Reborn fics, rather than be in hospital with a concussion. And just know you aren't the only one, about half the people guessed him first.

When Luce said to him last night 'Don't worry we are going somewhere totally safe' Tsunayoshi thinks she forgot where on Earth she was living. Mafia Row was named as such since it's residents were, as the name suggested, all in the Mafia. So for starters, Totally safe didn't quite apply. Admittedly, Mafia Row was the most peaceful place in the Mafia, a safe retreat for Bosses to rule from, where there was no crime. Hmm, that's not quite true... No crimes against others on Mafia row... wait no, Family fights... ... ... No one stole from other's houses in Mafia Row, there were no street brawls in Mafia Row, there were no deaths through violence on Mafia Row- that kind of crime, for once again, this was the Mafia.

Anyway back to the point. Luce's idea of Totally safe was indeed safer than certain fedora wearing people's idea of Totally safe, but still Tsunayoshi wanted to know why Totally Safe apparently allowed buff teenagers to swing a metal ball that was as big as he was around as if swinging a tennis ball attached to a rope? For in this particular house, there indeed was a teenager swinging a huge metal ball on a chain as easily as if it weighed nothing. Tsunayoshi could quite easily guess how much that would hurt if it impacted his body. He simply wouldn't feel it for he'd be dead in an instant.

However apparently it applied as Totally Safe since the teen was using said metal ball to magically move leaves and flower petals into a pile instead of using a leaf blower or rake. Tsunayoshi didn't have a clue how it happened, but it looked awesome. He vaguely wondered what it would be like inside the tornado, looking at the swirling mess around him- scary or breath-taking? He pouts slightly as the display finishes.

"Isn't it awesome kora?" asks Colonnello, seeing the look of wonder on Tsunayoshi's face. When a look of thoughtful thinking appeared on the little one's face (Which Colonnello was afraid to admit looked scarily like Verde's thinking face) he answered the unspoken question. "He's controlling the air, or more specifically the wind" That doesn't help matters, Tsunayoshi still looks like before.

"Ne, Lancia, come over here and show Tsunayoshi your Serpent Ball" shouts Luce, seeing the teenager was done. He nods and walks over, keeping the ball as still as possible so he didn't invoke it's power. Since the ball actually weighed more than he made out, he puts it on the ground when he reaches the rest of them. He then sits down next to it since he was quite worn out from his morning chores. Tsunayoshi sits down too, fingers tracing the snake like patterns with focused interest.

"The air is forced along the tracks creating certain reactions which I use to help me" The teen known as Lancia says. He has spiky black hair and two scratches across his cheeks.

Once again seeing the confusion on the little boy's face, they decide to give up. He was only young after all.

When Tsunayoshi had first walked into the mansion and seen the man, he was immediately scared. But seeing how nice the teen infront of him was, that feeling dissipated.

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