The "Business" Meeting

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Elizabeth Pov:
*I just came home, I'm in my room while changing my clothes, I realized that I still have Tom's suit on me. I smelled the suit and his scent, I smiled a little, I hung his suit in my closet, then I heard the sound of my phone ringing. I picked up the phone. I heard Derek's voice on the phone.*

"What are you doing, sister?"
*I was surprised that he called me, he was also at the ball, if he wanted to tell me something there*

"nothing important, what happened?" *Derek chuckled*

" Something must be going on for me to call my little sister?" *I didn't answer, I crealed my throat*

*Derek gave up and said* "Okay, okay. Tom wants to meet"


"yes Tom Holland"

*I answered a little confused* "Then go and meet him if you want, if you don't want to, don't meet, why bother me?"

*Derek answered* "He wants you to come too, he invited us all,Interested?"

"Oh, now it's clear, I'll go if you all go too."

"We are all going, we have a good relationship with Tom, we certainly do not refuse to asking you because you do not know him, or did you meet him today?"

"Yes, I met him today.....I will also go to the meeting tomorrow, no problem, text me the address and what time I should come."

"Okay, I'll text you the details."

"what does he want thorough?"

"It's a meeting, Elisabed. Business. No specifics known."

"Okay,Derek i will see you tomorrow then"


*We ended the call, and I couldn't help but wonder about Tom's intentions. If it's business-related, then it would make sense for him to only involve Derek. After all, their relationship is the one centered around business matters. Inviting all of us seems unnecessary unless there's something more to it. I pondered over the possibilities, intrigued by the mystery surrounding Tom's request for a meeting involving all of us.i didn't think much about it, if there is something I will find out tomorrow.*

*The next day:As the sun cast its gentle rays on a new day, I roused from my slumber with a sense of purpose. The upcoming meeting with Tom Holland demanded a certain level of preparation. While it wasn't a grand affair, I believed in the importance of presenting myself well.

Opting for a balance between casual and refined, I carefully selected an outfit adorned in my favorite hues. The morning routine unfolded with a touch of anticipation, each choice made with the intention of exuding confidence without overstating the occasion.*

*Elisabeds outfit*

*As I was preparing for the meeting, my phone rang, and I saw Dean's name flashing on the screen

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*As I was preparing for the meeting, my phone rang, and I saw Dean's name flashing on the screen. Answering the call, he inquired if I was also en route to the meeting with Tom, Affirming my attendance, I asked if he was on his way already,If he was, I figured I'd head out now to ensure I wasn't late,Dean said he was about to leave. Gripping the keys firmly, I made my way to the car. Sliding into the driver's seat, I felt the familiar hum of the engine as it roared to life.*

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