In His Arms

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*In the early morning light, I rose with a sense of determination, today I have to talk to Tom.. After a brisk shower and the rituals of getting ready, the weight of impending conversations with my brothers hung heavy. Today promised to be difficult.*

* Descending the stairs to the living room, I found Harrison immersed in his phone.*
"Good morning, Harrison,"
*I greeted, and his eyes met mine with a mix of relief and humor.*
"Good morning, Elisabed. Tom filled me in on what happened. I'm relieved you're okay, and frankly, it's refreshing not to face Tom's angry demeanor alone in the morning,"
*he remarked, eliciting a genuine laugh from me as I settled beside him on the sofa.*

*Curiosity about Tom's whereabouts emerged, and I inquired*
"So, where is Tom? I need to talk to him."
*Harrison paused, took a breath, and cautioned me*
"He's in his office, near your room, but I'd advise against approaching him now. He's in a mood."
*Intrigued, I raised an eyebrow.*
"Why? What happened?"
*I questioned, to which Harrison explained*
"He's still stewing over yesterday, and some additional irritations today. It's not the best time to engage with an angry Tom."
*I rolled my eyes, confident in my ability to handle it.*
"I can manage. Thanks for the heads-up."

*Ascending the stairs, I mused over Harrison's warning, and with a hint of amusement, I knocked on Tom's office door. His sharp*
"Come in" *confirmed Harrison's assessment - Tom was indeed in a less-than-ideal mood. This conversation, I sensed, would require a delicate balance of patience and understanding.As I swung open the office doors, Tom's focused gaze remained fixed on his laptop, a glass of whiskey in hand. Closing the door behind me, I took a seat, prompting Tom to finally look up with a hint of surprise. He closed his laptop, a small smile playing on his lips.*
"Good morning, darling. How can I help you?"
*he inquired, his demeanor seemingly calm.*

*Returning the smile, I replied*"Good morning. I want to talk about yesterday."
,Tom's expression tensed, and he reassured me*
"Elisabed, I told you I'll handle everything. You don't need to worry." *My frustration bubbling to the surface, I insisted*
"It doesn't matter, Tom. I need answers to my questions. How long will you avoid this? How long will you avoid my questions? I already understand everything, but I still need to hear it from you."

*Tom sighed, meeting my intensity.*
"Yes, Elisabed, what they told you is true. My people have been following you for three years, and I've taken many measures for your safety."
*While not surprised, I pressed for the underlying motive, demanding*
*Tom, choosing his words carefully, explained*
"You're a crucial figure in the Salvatore industry. Many want to harm you, and our families have a history. I want to protect you. There's another reason, but it's not the right time to reveal it."

*Skeptical, I retorted*
"You're lying, hiding something."
*Tom took a sip of whiskey, maintaining composure*
"I'm not lying, Elisabed, but yes, I'm keeping something from you. The time isn't right yet. I promise you'll know when it's time. For now, I have to handle the Cancio's mafia."
*I rolled my eyes at his deflection, and he added*
"Almost forgot, your brothers are coming today. They want to discuss all of this."
*The weight of the impending conversation with my brothers now hung in the air, adding another layer to the already complex situation.*
"How am I supposed to explain all of this to them, Tom? 'Hey, brothers, my house was under attack yesterday by your buddy Tom's enemies. What? Oh, it's perfectly normal that I've only known him for a few days, and his foes are already after my life. No big deal that I'm chilling in his house now or that he's been covertly monitoring me for three years without my knowledge. Totally normal, right? Nothing strange at all!'"
*I shoot a pointed glare at Tom, frustration evident in my expression.*

*Tom, unfazed, chuckled and casually took a sip of his whiskey before responding*
"If you present it that way, I might as well be signing my own death warrant today. Let me handle the explanation with your brothers"

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