At Tom's House

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*Tom's surprise was evident as he asked*
"Excuse me, what did you say?"

*I met his gaze calmly and decided to unravel the situation.*
"After a call with my bodyguard, I returned home to find an unsettling scene-thirteen armed men. Fortunately, i take care them also I managed to extract information from them. To my shock, they weren't after me; instead, they were targeting me as a means of revenge against you. Care to explain why your enemies think my demise would be revenge on you?"

*Tom's confused and shocked face changed to an angry expression, he took a deep breath and asked*
"Whose people were they?"

*I didn't want to get angry, but I was losing patience, I need answers, not questions*
"Tom, answer my question first"

"I will answer you after I know everything Elisabed"

"Cancio's mafia boss. I don't know much about him, I never had any bad or good interaction with them,"
*Toms anger palpable. Sensing his simmering emotions, I gently urged*
"Tom, I need answers."

*He seemed to calm slightly and prompted*
"Elisabed, what else did they tell you?" *I hesitated, but he insisted,
"Elisabed, answer me first, I'll explain later." Reluctantly, I divulged*

"They told me... they told me that you've been taking care of my safety from afar for three years, that's why they decided to kill me." *As I mentioned my potential demise, Tom tensed visibly.*
"That would be the best revenge on you, is that true?"
*I asked, seeking confirmation from him.*
"Did they say anything more to you?" *Tom asked, once again sidestepping my question. Attempting to maintain patience, I replied*
"No, one of them is still in the basement; you can talk to him if you want."
*Tom stood up abruptly.*
"Wait, where are you going?"
*I questioned. His response came out in an angry tone*
"I'll talk to him."

*I also rose from my seat, frustration evident in my voice.*
"No, first answer the question, Tom. You can't avoid answering for the rest of your life. Tell me what's going on, clarify the situation. I can't do anything if I don't know what's going on."

*Tom's response was gentle but firm* "Elisabed, you don't have to do anything. I'll take care of everything. Just let me understand everything, then I'll talk to you. Let me talk to him first."

"I'll follow you,"
*I insisted, but Tom suddenly countered*
"No, Elisabed, you'll rest and calm down."
*My anger flared, and I retorted*
"I'm calm!"

Tom chuckled softly, shaking his head, "You're not, darling, you're not."

*Glaring at Tom, I asserted*
"Anyway, that doesn't matter. I want to be there when you talk to him. You are not answering my questions, so at least I can hear it from him."
*Tom, appearing serious yet struggling not to smile at my glare, responded* "Elisabed, I told you I will explain everything later. Now is not the right time."
*My patience long gone, I pressed* "When will be the right time, Tom? When?"
*Tom wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me close. Face to face, a slight blush graced my cheeks as he spoke gently*
"Darling, you are angry right now. I'm furious, not at you, of course, but it's not the right time to talk about this matter. I need you to rest. You are overwhelmed by all of this; you don't need more. Please, just calm down. Trust me, I will take care of everything."
*His embrace and soothing words eased my tension. I whispered*
"Why should I trust the man I just met two days ago?"
*He leaned down to my ear, whispering gently*
"Because that man cares about your safety."
*I asked*
"So it was true?"
*He kissed my shoulder softly, saying*
"We will talk about it later. Now, you will go and rest. You are tired, darling. Come on."
*Leading me to my bedroom, he assured me before disappearing to the basement*
"Don't worry your pretty head about anything; I will take care of everything, darling."

*Tom's words had calmed me down, but I still needed clarification. As I stood at the door of my bedroom, contemplating sneaking down to the basement to find out what they were talking about, my brother Sam came up the stairs. Bad timing. I heard Sam's worried voice*
"Ellis, I heard what happened, how are you?"
*I smiled, attempting to reassure him* "I'm fine Sam, it's okay, you know this kind of thing happens often."
*Though it never happened in my house before,thats the thing im angry about,they dared to attack me in my own house.
Sam smiled,expressing concern*
"That's right, but I'm still worried about my little sister. I'm glad you're okay."
*Sam started talking about today, and I tried to avoid it. I needed to know what was going on in the basement.*

"Well, brother, I was going to my room to rest,"
*I said, hinting that I wasn't in the mood to talk. Fortunately, he understood*
"Okay, I'm going. Our brothers are waiting for me downstairs. We have some business to take care of, and then we'll go home. If you need anything, call me."

"Okay, take care of yourself,"
*I said goodbye to my brother. As I turned to go down to the basement, Tom emerged. He had blood on his hands, not his own, as expected from trying to get information. He looked at me, raising an eyebrow*
"I thought you were already resting in your room."

"I was going, but my brother..." I began, but Tom interrupted.

*He went to my bedroom, opened the door, motioned for me to come in. I followed, and he went to the bathroom to wash his hands. Coming out, he told me to sit down.*
"Elisabed, I think it's better if you move into my house while I take care of all this."
*I was surprised*
*He calmly explained*
"Darling, they know where your house is, they know you live alone. They will most likely attack your house again. My house will be safer for you, and I will be calm when I know you are safe. I know you can protect yourself. I also know that you have enough people to protect you in such a situation, but it would be better if you were with me. It happened because of me, and I will fix it, but I need you by my side."
*I stayed silent for a while; he was right. The smartest thing would be to stay with Tom now. After all, he is the most powerful mafia boss. If nothing else, I trust him in his work.*
*I finally agreed. He was surprised* "Okay?"
"Okay, Tom. I'll come with you. The smartest thing to do would be to stay with you."
*Tom smiled* "That's great. Pack your
things and let's go."


"Yes, love, now."

*I got up and started packing; Tom was sitting on my bed, looking at me.* "Do you have to take the whole house with you?"
*I glared at him*
"Shut up,"
*and he laughed. Opening the closet,while putting clothes, Tom stood behind me. I didn't look at him and asked*
"What are you doing?"

*He asked excitedly*
"Is that my suit in your closet?"
*I confirmed its origin, mentioning the ball. Tom, caressing my hair from behind, remarked*
"You looked so good in my suit. It suits your closet perfectly, just like my things suit you."

*A playful smirk crossed my face as I retorted*
"Well, don't get used to seeing your things in my closet and your clothes on me" *Tom chuckled* "We'll see about that."
*After completing the task of packing, we arrived at Tom's house. He guided me to what he now referred to as "my" bedroom, though I knew it was his, at least for the time being. Tom went out of his way to ensure I felt comfortable in his home before heading to his office, conveniently located close to my room. He reassured me that if I needed anything, I could simply reach out to him. With the lateness of the hour, I decided to call it a night and settle into an unfamiliar but hopefully restful sleep in this borrowed space.*

*If you like this story, please let me know, based on that, I will decide whether to stop or continue writing

1401 words

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