The Attack

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Elisabeth's POV:
*I was engrossed in conversation with Tom when my phone suddenly rang. Answering it, my bodyguard's nervous voice conveyed an emergency at my house. Unsettled by his tone, I quickly ended the call and informed my brothers and Tom about the situation. Despite their insistence on accompanying me, I refused. A feeling of unease lingered; my bodyguard's reticence was unusual, as he usually provided detailed information. I called a few of my men, who were now en route to my house.*

*Upon arrival, my men and I found a tense situation - my bodyguard tied to a chair, visibly battered. About 13 intruders occupied the house. We drew our guns, initiating a standoff, but it escalated into a hand-to-hand combat. Eventually, I took down two assailants personally, one with a gun. My men handled the rest, securing a victory. We detained three in the best condition and confined them to the basement, aiming to extract information.I seized a knife from the table, glaring at the captives.*
"So, will you start talking, or should I demonstrate how this beautiful knife can cut through you?"
*Their silence persisted, prompting me to approach one of them. Without hesitation, I drove the knife into his leg, eliciting cries of pain and pleas for mercy.*

*Amidst the anguish, one of them broke the silence.*
"I'll tell you everything, just don't hurt us."
*A sly smirk adorned my face.* "Smart choice. Now, who are you working for, and what do they want from me?"

*Hesitation lingered, but eventually, the reluctant informant spoke.* "I work for the Cancio's mafia boss."

*Recognition dawned on me, though our past had been devoid of rivalry or conflict. The perplexity deepened as I pressed for answers.* "You didn't answer my second question."

*Fear etched across his face, he stammered.* "Ma'am, he'll kill me if I tell you."

*I chuckled darkly.*
"And I'll kill you if you don't. You've already revealed his identity, so loyalty doesn't seem to be your best bet anymore."

*Eventually, he relented,*
"I don't know much."

*I stared at him with a resolute expression,* "
Tell me what you know."

*His eyes shifted to the others before returning to me,*
"He... he is Tom Holland's enemy."

*I was both confused and stern as I questioned,*
"What does that have to do with me?"

*He answered with sincerity,*
"I don't know, ma'am. He didn't tell me anything else. He just said it was time to get revenge on the Hollands, starting with Tom, then ordered us to kidnap you."

*I found myself in an unexpected predicament. Having met Tom just days ago, I couldn't fathom why I'd be a target for his enemies. I questioned the guy,*
"Why did he think kidnapping me was the right choice to get back at Tom?"

*He earnestly replied,*
"I don't know, ma'am. I really don't."

*Another guy chimed in,*
"He said you were special to him and he would do anything to keep you safe."

*Confused, I probed further,*
"Why does he think that way?"
*He explained,*
"Our mafia had a couple of Tom's men captive. We extracted that information from them."

*I pressed for more details,*
"What exactly did he say?"

*The response was concise,*
"He said that Tom has always been trying to keep you safe."

*I was left pondering the revelation. Did Tom's men lie to protect me, or had Tom been concealing a secret? Memories of our recent conversation resurfaced, his words echoing in my mind: "After all, you have the most powerful mafia boss on your side." Did those words hold a deeper meaning than I initially thought?.I found myself grappling with a whirlwind of thoughts. Even if the revelations were true, I needed to hear the reasons directly from Tom. After ensuring I gathered all available information from the captives, I sighed heavily and turned to my men.*
"You know what you need to do to them."
*Their smirks confirmed their understanding as I made my way up to my office. Grabbing my phone, I noticed missed calls from Tom and my brothers. Deciding it was time to confront the situation, I dialed Tom's number.*Tom answered promptly, his voice filled with concern. Assuring him that I was alright, I mentioned the urgency of needing to speak with him. He didn't press for details, simply acknowledging that he and my brothers were already on their way to my house. I questioned why they were coming, as I hadn't requested their presence. Tom explained that they grew anxious when I didn't respond to their calls and rushed over.*

*Although I appreciated their concern, I kept the conversation brief, letting him know that I was awaiting his arrival to discuss matters further. With that, we ended the call. As I waited in my office for Tom, I delved into gathering information about the Cancio's mafia and its boss, hoping to gain insight into the situation.*

*As a knock echoed through my office, I presumed it was Tom, preparing for the inevitable challenging conversation. I invited the person in, expecting Tom's entrance, only to find one of my men.*

"Ma'am, just so you know, as always, we have one of the captives alive, just in case,if we need any more information"

*he informed. I remained focused on my laptop.*
"Yeah, that's good. I need you to do something for me."

*"What do you need, ma'am?"
*he inquired.*

"I need information about Cancio's mafia-everything you can get. Also, their history with the Hollands,"
*I instructed.*

"Of course, ma'am. I'll try to gather as much information as I can,"
*he replied.*


*The distant sound of a car reached us, and he glanced out the window.* "Your brothers and Mr. Holland are here, ma'am."

"Tell Mr. Holland to come straight into my office, and let my brothers know about the attack. Don't tell them the reason behind it. Inform them that I will let them know later,"
*I directed.*

"As you wish, ma'am."
He left, and shortly after, Tom knocked on my door. He entered, concern etched across his face.*
"What happened?"

*I met his gaze with a calm expression.* "Sit down first."

*He looked puzzled at my calm demeanor.*
"Eisabed, what is going on?"

*I took a moment before revealing,* "I'm the one who should be asking that question, Tom. Why do your enemies think that kidnapping me is the best choice to get to you?"

*thats all for today,hope you like it💗

I love the eager readers of my story😂😂*

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I love the eager readers of my story😂😂*

1092 words

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