is it.......Elisabed?

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Elisabeds POV:

As I awoke in the morning, the remnants of sleep still clung to me, and I found myself nestled in the comfort of my bed. Recollections of the previous night flooded back, and I couldn't help but wonder if Tom had carried me to bed after I'd fallen asleep in his arms on the couch. The gesture, if true, was both unexpected and oddly comforting, a silent acknowledgment of his protective instinct that simultaneously unsettled and reassured me.

But any sense of tranquility was swiftly overshadowed by the anger that simmered within me at the audacity of those who had dared to attack me in my own home. The very thought of it ignited a fierce determination within me to maintain the fear and respect that my name commanded in this world. After all, power in our world was earned through fear, and I refused to let anyone undermine my authority.

With these thoughts swirling in my mind, I rose from bed and began the familiar ritual of getting dressed. Each movement was purposeful, a reflection of the resolve that burned within me. As I descended the stairs, the absence of both Harrison and Tom struck me as odd. Were they still asleep, or perhaps engrossed in work in Tom's office? Regardless, I had more pressing matters to attend to - namely, the dire need for caffeine to kickstart my morning.

The aroma of freshly brewed coffee greeted me as I entered the kitchen, and I wasted no time in preparing my usual strong, sugar-free concoction. The first sip was like a balm to my weary soul, and I couldn't help but let out a contented sigh. However, my moment of bliss was short-lived as I heard Tom's voice from behind me.

"Ah, what a beautiful sound to wake up to," he remarked, his voice laced with amusement as he entered the kitchen. I turned to face him, a smirk playing on my lips.

"Good morning to you too, Tom," i replied, my.tone laced with sarcasm, unable to suppress a roll of my eyes at his playful demeanor. *

As Tom approached, his smirk softened into a genuine smile as he poured himself a cup of coffee. Leaning against the countertop, he met Elisabed's gaze with a mixture of amusement and warmth.

"You know, I could get used to waking up to the sound of you enjoying your morning coffee," he teased, taking a sip from his cup.i couldn't help but chuckle at his comment, the tension of the previous night momentarily forgotten in the lightness of their banter.

"Well, don't get too comfortable," i replied, a playful glint in my eyes. "I'm not sure I want to be your wake-up call every morning."

Tom chuckled, his laughter filling the kitchen as he shook his head. "Fair enough," he conceded, his tone light. "But I have to admit, it's a nice way to start the day."

Our banter was interrupted by the sound of Harrison entering the kitchen, a stack of papers in hand. He glanced between me and Tom, a knowing smile playing on his lips.

"Ah, the dynamic duo is at it again," he remarked, setting the papers down on the counter. "I trust you both slept well?"

"Good morning, Haz," I replied, turning my gaze back to Tom. "Yeah, about that... I remember falling asleep on the couch, but I woke up in bed. Did you carry me upstairs?"

Tom's expression softened as he met my eyes, a hint of a smile playing at the corners of his lips. "Yes, I did. You looked so peaceful, and I didn't want you to wake up with a sore neck."

I felt a mix of emotions at his confession-gratitude for his consideration and a lingering sense of vulnerability that came with relying on someone else. But I couldn't deny the warmth it brought, knowing he cared enough to ensure my comfort.*

"Thank you," I said quietly, my tone sincere. "It was... unexpected, but I appreciate it."

*Harrison smirk and say*
"oh you two fall asleep on the couch 'together'?"

*With a nonchalant expression, I glanced at Tom, maintaining the facade of innocence.*
"Yeah, I couldn't sleep, but then Tom and I had a chat, and I dozed off. Why, is there something on your mind?"
*I asked, playing along.*

*Harrison's teasing tone persisted as he exchanged a glance with Tom, but before he could say more, Tom intervened with a chuckle.*
"Actually," *he interjected, his voice light with amusement*
"Elisabed here was so captivated by our conversation that she fell asleep mid-sentence."

*I shot Tom a mock glare, a playful twinkle in my eyes.*
"That says a lot about how captivating you were,"
*I teased, aiming a gentle jab at him.*

*Harrison burst into laughter, surprised by my boldness.*
"Damn, you're bold! Not many people would dare to tease Tom Holland like that, but when someone does, it's golden," *he exclaimed between chuckles.*

*Smirking, I shrugged casually. *"I don't need boldness to speak my mind to Tom Holland. I'm Elisabed Salvatore, honey," *I replied confidently, asserting my individuality with a touch of sass.*

*Tom's smirk broadened, and a glimmer of admiration danced in his eyes as he regarded me.*
"Elisabed never was one to hold back, especially when she knows she's going to get away with it,"
*he remarked, his tone tinged with both amusement and appreciation.*

*I met Tom's gaze, a playful glint in my eyes mirroring his expression.*
"Oh, I'm getting away with it?"
*I quipped, feigning innocence as I awaited his response.*

*Tom chuckled softly, the sound warm and familiar.*
You know damn well that you are"
*he replied, his tone carrying a hint of affection for my unabashed boldness.*

*I grinned in response, enjoying the banter and the easy camaraderie it fostered between us,Harrison give the papers to Tom,After a few minutes, Tom and Harrison left, citing work commitments. I didn't pry further, accepting their explanation. Soon after, I received a call from my brother.*

Tom's POV:
*me and Harrison sat in the VIP booth of my club, engaged in discussions about business matters. Amidst our conversation, my attention was drawn to the bar where i spotted one of my enemies ordering a drink. Standing beside him was a woman,is it.... Elisabed?*

1178 words.

(I'm sorry that i took this long to post new chapter,if you like this story please let me know,beacuse i'm thinking if i should stop or continiue this story💗)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01 ⏰

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