Chapter 6

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Selena's POV

My mother never wanted me , maybe when she found out about the mistake she made, that was what persuaded her into committing suicide.

No one wants me.I hate myself, but somehow I could never muster up the courage to kill myself. I try to cut deep but I never seem to bleed to death.

I went into the bathroom and saw a new shaver. I quickly took out one of the blades and disposed the shaver. I know Jason told me he didn't want to see another cut, but who cares, he probably didn't even care and I don't know when I'll be able to get out of here.

I sat beside the bathtub and swiped the razor in the insides of my thighs, somewhere where was clean and Jason might not be able to see them.

After making about 30 new cuts, I got up and wiped the blood off my legs and floor with toilet paper then flushed the toilet.

I went back into the room and sat on a couch which was situated next to a window and looked through it, there was a black van parked in front of the huge gates.

I jumped when I saw a girl came into the room with a bunch of clothes-that mostly seemed female-and walked into the huge walk in closet.vA few seconds later Jason came.

"Come to the kitchen for your breakfast" he said and l followed.

"Listen to me. You have to eat at least three times daily, breakfast, lunch and dinner and I will know it you skip a meal but if you want anything to snack on, help yourself... If you miss one meal there will be a repeat of last night, got it?" he asked. At least he wasn't shouting.

"Yes" I said looking at the floor.

"Good, so what would you like to eat"

"I don't know" I said.

"Fine" he said. He took out a glass and turned on the electric stove and placed a frying pan over the heat then placed bacons and when it was finished frying, he put two scrambled eggs in. He then filled the glass with apple juice and placed the bacon and eggs along with the apple juice in front of me.

"Eat up. All of it" He said watching me.

I began eating the stuff as he watched me.

When I was finally finished,I walked over to the sink and washed my dishes.

"Good, now you're going to take a shower" he said pointing up to his room. "And there's clothes in the closet for you" he said as I nodded and walked up the stairs and went into his room.

I went into the closet and saw half of it was men's clothing and the other was women's, did he expect me to stay here? I picked out a long sleeve white top and gray sweat pants, and in a drawer, there was brand new underwear and bras.I picked out a white bra and black panties then headed to the shower.

I closed the bathroom door and got into the shower. I tied my hair into a bun so that it wouldn't get wet.The warm water trickled down my body as I enjoyed the feeling. The water trickled over my new cuts causing them to burn, and the others had the familiar itching that i avoided. I washed my body and just stood there. After about 15 minutes I decided to come out. I saw a set of three white fluffy towels and took one to dry my skin then put on the clothes. When I opened the bathroom door Jason was sitting on the bed.

"I'll be out for a few hours, don't try to act smart"he said and left. Just like that. I ran towards the door and peeked to see if he was really gone.

He got into a white Chevrolet and drove through the gates. Soon after I saw two huge bodies began walking towards the house and stopped at the door guarding it. Bastard set up guards to watch me.

I walked to the kitchen door to see if anyone was there and thankfully they weren't. I quietly opened the door and slipped through the little crack. I began running towards the back where there was something like a forest.

Wow that was easy. I ran and within minutes I saw a road. And there was a nearby gas station. My bare feet made their way over to the gas station and I sighed in relief when I saw there was a guy in the mini supermarket.

" Hello... please help me, I've been kidnapped by Jason McCann and I ran away "I pleaded.

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