Chapter 18

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Selena's POV

'I gasped looking down at my stomach, it pained so much, there were multiple horizontal cuts covering my entire abdomen and blood kept running along my skin.

I walked to Jason's bathroom and turned on the shower allowing the warm water to fall as it cleaned my bloody skin. Pain ripped through my body for the entire process.

I then heard a knock on the shower door and when I opened it, I saw blank and when I looked back into the bathroom there was nothing. I was surrounded by nothing, it was black. Suddenly, I saw myself disappearing."

"Selena!" I heard someone shout my name.Frantically, I opened by eyes and was met by hazel ones that belonged to Jason.

"I-I'm sorry" I said, I realized I was sweating and had tears falling down my face.

"Hey, relax" he said soothingly, but my breathing went erratic. "You need to calm down" he said. I simply shook my head as I began hyperventilating.

I couldn't calm myself. Suddenly I felt weight on me and I saw Jason above me pinning me down.I looked up at him and felt myself calming.

"What was that about?" he asked.

"I'm sorry, it was just a dream" I said turning to look away from him but he wouldn't allow me to.

"What was it about?" he inquired.

"Nothing" I replied.

"Nothing? you were scratching at your stomach" he stated raising his eyebrows.

"Like I said it was just a bad dream" I told him as he seemed to get the idea that I wanted him to drop it. He let go of me and wrapped his arms around my waist as I easily found a dreamless sleep.


"You all packed?" he asked me as I nodded. He decided to go back to Canada because he had gotten what he 'needed'.

He told me that he allowed the girl, Ashley to go, but she had developed 'something' for Ryan since they were high school lovers or something like that and she is tagging along with Ryan.

We went to the airport and got into the plane and when the plane took off, I didn't had a reaction like last time but Jason held my hand when it took off.

While we were in the plane, my eyes caught on the new object on my wrist. The bracelet Jason had bought. It was truly beautiful.

When we landed, there was a lot of commotion but I just stayed by Jason's side.

We reached his house without any problems and I sat on the sofa and began playing that temple run game, I then saw there was Temple Run 2 so I quickly downloaded it.

I felt the chair dip beside me,I knew it was Jason so I didn't bother looking up. He grabbed the phone from my hand and I looked at him annoyed.

"What?" he asked as if nothing was wrong.

"Oh, so it's okay to grab something from someone when they're using it?" I asked standing up.

"Not my fault princess... you made me lost my last game" he said as he tapped the screen for it to start.

"Oh wow, don't you have your own phone?, download the game you freak head" I said reaching to collect it but he pulled it away making me fall on him, similar to a straddling position.

"Give me-the... phone" I said struggling to get it out of his grasp. I hadn't realized our position until I pinched his hand allowing me to give him the phone.I don't even know why I even fought for something so silly.

I began getting off of him but he held both of my wrists and I looked at him seeing he was already staring at me.

Suddenly out of nowhere, he crashed his lips on mine, not going to lie, his lips were always warm. I decided to kiss him back, something was definitely wrong with me... maybe I'm drunk but don't realize it.

I felt tingles shoot through my body as he placed his large hands on my ass but then my stomach began cramping. We pulled away and I felt something wet by my panties.No, please don't let it be.

I looked down and the red was visible through my white jeans. My FÜÇKÍÑG PERIOD....

I quickly got off of him as his eyes widened seeing the 'accident'on my jeans then he looked at his crotch (which was covered in black skinnys.) but you could still see it.

I covered my face in embarrassment and ran to his bathroom and locked myself in.A few minutes later I heard him knocking on the door.

Why did I have to be so stupid? My stupid body.

A/N: So Selena got her period... So after she finally was in her senses and they actually kissed, mother nature had to pop in. Tell me what you think.

Hint on next chapter?-Selena gets company, not the bad kind.

But Justin's performance art the VMAs tho... I cried, and our Selena looked sexy along with the 'squad'...

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