Chapter 15

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Selena's POV.

When the plane landed, there was a lot of turbulence and Jason once again held my hands. We were now in a hotel, in a king suite.

It was really amazing, everything from the sights during our way here to the hotel room.

"I'll be back, I have some errands to run" Jason said as he pulled his sleeve up towards his elbows revealing tattooes on both of his arms.

"No wait, you're coming with me" he said quickly changing his decision.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because I said so" he said then grabbed my hand leading me through the door towards him.

I wanted to know where we were going. We then went into the elevator and went onto the ground floor. Soon after a Lamborghini pulled up in front of the hotel, as the man came out of the drivers seat, Jason made his way to the drivers seat and I got into the passenger's seat.

He then drove off as I had my own little sight seeing. Since I knew nothing about Italy, I had no idea where we were.

He then pulled up in front of what seemed like an old building. He got out and so did I,I took in the surroundings in amazement. Pulling me out of my trance, he pulled me through a dark tunnel then led me forwards, no words were exchanged between us. After a while of walking, a huge place was revealed, it was like a landscape but with broken forts.

I then saw he was leading me to a group of guys in leather jackets. There were six of them. Finally I was able to see their faces. They all seemed buff like Jason but their jackets were hiding their muscles, if I knew better, I wouldn't come near them, but I'm standing next to a man that's more dangerous so I really don't care.

"So Ryan, you have the whereabouts on Orlando's daughter?" Jason asked and a dark haired guy came out showing him a map.

"Yeah, she's staying at the hotel with her school" the guy whom I presumed was Ryan said pointing to a red marked spot on the map.

"We'll take her today" a voice said, a faintly familiar voice. I looked at him, and recognize it was that guy that tied me up and cut off my bra. Alex, yep that was his name.

"So the plan is, we go into the hotel saying we have to get a room but we want to check it out, then obviously a hotel worker will follow, while on the elevator we knock him out then put him in one of the washrooms... then go to her room pretending to be room service, then take her, quickly making our exits through the fire emergency." Jason said. How can they think of even doing that to someone?

"What's wrong with you people?... how can you do that to a child?" I said frustrated.

"She's 19, nothing to worry about" an un-introduced guy said.

"But still-" I was cut off my Jason pulling me closer, so close I could feel his breath on my neck.

"We won't hurt her" he said so that only I heard.

"Woah,McCann you finally brought a chick?" The guy that said the girl was 19 said.

"He needs some pussy after all" Alex smirked.

"Fûck off" Jason said flipping them off then carried me to his car. I was confused when I saw he didn't come in.Instead Alex went into the drivers seat.

Jason saw my expression and leaned over to my window. "He's just going to take you to the hotel,I have some stuff to take care of, only my number is in here, call if anything" he said handing me a white iPhone.I nodded taking the phone from his hands knowing very well that he's going to kidnap that girl.

Alex drove off going to the hotel and the ride was silent, which I was grateful for. Since my mind had completely turned from him.

When we made it to the hotel, Alex followed me up to the room and I discreetly tyoed in the password Jason showed me '530777'.

I went into the suite and thankfully Alex didn't come in, instead he left. My stomach growled and I went into the kitchen and began looking for something to eat but I didn't find anything to eat.

Suddenly there was a knock on my door.I looked through the peephole like Jason had told me and saw it was a petite old man with a plate covered.

I cautiously opened the door letting him in. I saw he had a bottle of water next to the covered plate and then he pulled out a long dark bottle with two champagne glasses.

I thanked him and raised the silver cover from the plate and saw it was a huge plate of spaghetti and meat balls on top.

My mouth began watering at the sight though I'm sure I wouldn't finish it all, but what the hell. I used the fork to swirl the spaghetti and put it into my mouth. Within 10 minutes I was full, but let me add, I didn't eat it all barely half of the plate. I then drank some water.

I then got bored and walked into the living room area flopping onto the couch. Then I saw the white iPhone on the coffee table.I picked it up and unlocked it, thankfully there wasn't a password.

I had never owned or used a phone before but that doesn't mean I don't know anything about an iPhone. I saw it was at the home screen and I swiped left and saw a bunch of apps,I clicked on one game. 'Temple Run', it was a really interesting game, every time I lost, I replayed. Time flew by fast, I didn't realize when Jason returned until he opened the door.

I put the phone down back on the table and watched as Ryan held a girl over his shoulder and carried her to the room next to me and Jason's room.

I saw the girl wasn't reacting to anything around her, it was then I realized she was passed out.

"Don't let them tie her up" I pleaded to Jason when he came next to me.

"They won't, when she wakes up I'll explain everything to her and hopefully she'll understand." he explained as Ryan walked into the kitchen.

I sighed sitting on the couch."When is she supposed to wake up?"I asked Jason as he sat next to me.

"In about an hour" he said and curiously watched the phone on the table. He picked it up and a smirk played on his lips. "Temple Run? Seriously?"

"Don't judge, I was bored and I bet you can't even beat my high score" I said folding my arms.

"Are you challenging me?" he asked amused.

"No-I don't recall challenging you but I bet your meanie butt don't even know to let loose" I said.

I saw him roll his eyes before picking up the phone and tapping on the app icon. I felt a smile on my lips as I watched him try to beat my high score which was 4.5 million.

Then something clicked, I had a phone throughout the entire day and it didn't even cross my mind to call for any sort of help.

A/N: So what do you guys really think about this chapter??I tried to update early so here it is.

Hints on next chapter: SELENA GETS DRUNK. lol.

Anyways leave your comments and vote.

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