Chapter 27

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Selena's POV.

I groaned getting up from the floor as memories recurred. That babysitter. My eyes widened in realization when I noticed Jacob was no where to be seen. Oh shit no!

I frantically began looking for Jacob and found a note on the sofa where I last left Jacob. I opened it.

"The baby's safe for now, unless you want him to get hurt you will follow instructions that I give. you are to only contact (phone number).

What? I picked up the iPhone and dialed the number and within the third ring the person answered.

"Where is my baby?" I asked immediately. I then heard a deep chuckle. It was a man.

"Calm down... now you see I want something and your boyfriend knows it. Did he tell you I want to destroy him?" I was getting pissed.

"Fuck you" I said through gritted teeth.

"listen to me doll face, I want you to withdraw 10 million dollars from Jason's account, whether or not he knows, I want you to deliver it alone before Wednesday" Shit...that's four days from now.

"Why do you have to involve an innocent child into all of this? it's sickening" I spat.

"Clearly you don't know me" he said chuckling and hung up. I let out a loud scream and sank to the floor. No no no...

I wiped my eyes clearing my blurry vision and dialed Jason.

"What?" he answered.

"Ja-Jacob" I barely got out.

"What's wrong with Jacob" he asked.


"Fucking speak to me Selena!!!" he snapped.

"He's gone... he's been taken" I said.

"What? I'll be there." he said.

I was left on the floor when Jason came two minutes later. I immediately got up and went towards him giving the scrambled up note for him to read.

"Fuck" he said running his hand through his hair in frustration.

"Jason!!! What the hell is going on? why did he take Jacob?"I said gripping onto his arm. He just stared in front not responding to my question.

"JASON!!!" I shouted at the top of my lungs.

"Because he wants to destroy everything around me!" he snapped. "His name is Orlando Bloom. My grandfather was in the same gang as his grandfather. They were plotting to bomb an entire preschool but my grandfather prostested. Since then then our families had differences. When my dad met my mom, he dropped the gang life so he can have a normal family. Orlando found out and decided to destroy my family. I was fifteen and had a normal life, two amazing siblings and the best parents. One afternoon I was going home but then there were sirens and fire engines circling a huge fire. As I got closer I then realized it was my house. I had tried going into the house after I heard that there were still four persons in the house. They held me back, the firefighters went in and came out with a silent shake of the head. They we're gone, my entire family was gone..." I looked up and saw Jason's jaw was clenched.

"After the funeral was when Orlando came up to me,i was young only 15 at the time, he and his crew had cornered me and asked me to join them. That was when I got to know about the whole gang dispute... I told him no and was about to run away after all I was cornered by a bunch of men that I was sure was 20 years or older. They grabbed me and hit me until I was unconscious.I thought I was dead but a guy in his mid twenties came and helped me. His name was Ethan and was after Orlando. He helped me and trained me about guns and how to fight."

"Well why does he want money and why did he kidnap Jacob?"I asked

" He doesn't need money, he just used Jacob to get at you and he thinks we're close so while he has Jacob captive, that would be his bait towards you and he would eventually kill you thinking he has destroyed another part of me"Jason said.

"Well what are we gonna do??" I asked getting worried.I saw Jason move into the kitchen and opened a drawer taking out a gun. My eyes widened. He then handed the gun over to me but I didn't take it.

He groaned."you need to do this for Jacob... just a few aims"

I silently nodded and collected it from him. It was a bit heavy and cold. I then followed him out of the house then noticed him leading me to the forest-like area. He then positioned me in front of a tree.He unlocked something in the gun and stood behind me.

"Aim for the middle" he said as I shakily pointed the gun in front of me. I closed my eyes and pressed the trigger. I opened back my eyes and even though it was dark, I could tell the bullet wasn't shot on the tree, it probably went the other way.

"C'mon Selena, don't close your eyes. level the gun and tilt your head. focus on your aim" he said. I nodded, this is for Jacob.

I pointed the gun and had it at shoulder length and closed one eye focusing on my target.

I slowly pulled the trigger as the loud BOOM! was heard. I did it, wow.

"that was great, let's go get Jacob" he said. We went into his car and I watched as he pulled down his back seat as an automatic shelf slid out. There were about six guns neatly positioned.

Time to get back Jacob.

A/N: So I know I take long to update, which I apologize for. But I'm kinda distracted by Revival and Purpose and then it's Bieber week on Ellen plus I have to still go to school so... maybe next week they'll be faster updates? idk. Plus Justin and Selena are going on tour.Im so upset they don't even come to my country. Has anyone of you ever met J.B or Selena?

Anyways... hope you enjoy this chapter. Leave your views and comments.♥♥

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