Chapter 26

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Selena's POV

I had woken up since two hours ago so basically I barely had a hour nap. It's almost 2am in the morning and Jason hasn't returned. I was worried the moment he left so now didn't make any difference.

What if something happened to him? Was he in danger? I know he wouldn't 'really' be in danger because of who he is but still.

I've tried calling his number but it was turned off.I stayed up a bit more and watched some television. I turned to a channel and saw that there was a 'Bring It On' marathon.

At the second to last movie, I felt myself dozing off until I heard a car pull up to the driveway up front. I felt relived when I got up and looked through the window seeing that it was Jason's car.

I took a glance at the clock and saw that it was almost 5am. He opened the door and my eyebrows furrowed in confusion when I saw his movements were slurred. He's drunk?

His head raised up and he looked at me with a sheepish grin.

"Whhyy are you still uppp?" he asked and then flopped down on the couch. And he was smelling weird.

"You're drunk" I said folding my arms.

"I'm not only drunk but high as fuck" he said and took off his shirt. I noticed some red lipstick marks on his shirt and chest. He's been with another girl. I'm angry, and I don't know why... it's not like we're together, maybe it's because he just left? Or maybe because I was thinking something happened to him.

I shook my head and helped him get comfortable in the sofa because there's no way I am allowing a drunk/high Jason sleep in the same room with Jacob.

I tried moving his arms but it was like a tree log.

"Gosh, Jason help yourself" I grunted and then finally he settled in on the sofa lying on his stomach and it was only when I heard light snores coming from him then I realized he had passed out.

I sighed leaving him there then went to drink water then headed up to Jason's bedroom to get some sleep.

.。☆。*。☆ .。☆。*。☆。

I woke up to Jacobs crying. I wearily rubbed my eyes and went to Jacobs crib.

He was so precious.I took him out and went downstairs to the kitchen to get some warm milk.I saw Jason was not on the couch then I heard some retching from one of the guest rooms.

I continued making Jacob's milk since he had still been crying. After a few minutes I was finished and I went in the living room and then laid Jacob on my lap and began feeding him.

I then heard some footsteps and I craned my head and saw Jason was shirtless and was going up the stairs.

After Jacob had finished his bottle, I burped him and then gave him a warm bath. When I walked into Jason's room, I saw he was on his phone talking about some bomb.... He looked up at me but kept his face expressionless and still continued the conversation over the phone.

I had Jacob in my arms and he was kinda getting heavy for a baby his age, so my arms began aching. I gently placed him on the bed and handed him his stuffed Olaf.

I felt Jason's gaze on me the whole time.I looked at him in annoyance and rolled my eyes and began to pack up Jacobs toys and I made his crib.

I then heard Jason hang up on the person he was talking to. I heard him sigh and I looked at him sand saw he was looking at me. I once again rolled my eyes about to resume putting up Jacob's things but he held my wrists stopping me.

"'m sorry I acted like a jerk" he said lowly but I heard... I was smiling mentally but my face was solemn.

I weakly nodded my head. "Aren't you going to say anything?" he said bewildered.

"What am I supposed to say? 'You're a bipolar jackass?' Well I think we both know that" I said then realized how bitchy I sounded. He apologized for gods sake...

Before I could've said anything he walked out of the room leaving Jacob and I.I groaned in frustration.

I picked up Jacob and rocked him in the rocking chair across the room.


I felt some weight remove from my chest and I slowly opened my eyes and saw Jason gently removing Jacob from my arms. I guess I had fallen asleep.

I got up and watched as Jason placed the baby in his crib.

"I have to go somewhere tonight and I've called a babysitter to stay with you and Jacob"He said as I furrowed my brows in confusion.

" I can take care of Jacob by myself "I said folding my arms." I don't need a babysitter to help me with Jacob, we are fine"I said getting up in his face.

"Fine! Have it your way" he snapped. I shook my head and grabbed my towel and went for a shower.


I held Jacob as Jason got into his car. As soon as the car drove off, Jacob began crying, I tried calming him down but he wouldn't stop. Maybe he realized his father is gone?

Suddenly an idea came to mind. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed the jar of Nutella. I expertly opened the jar with a crying Jacob in my arms.

I then spooned some and placed a dab on my fingertips then have him a taste. He immediately stopped crying which made me smile. I did it once more and he kept making grabby hands at the Nutella.

I gave him it a bit more, just as I thought I had everything under control, he did not want to stop. What have I started?

Then the doorbell rang...I quickly wiped my hands and carried Jacob on the sofa. I went to the door and opened it. It was a girl in a tube top and mini skirt.

"Hi, how can I help you?" I asked.

"Is this Mr Bieber's residence?" she asked and I nodded.

"Oh well I was told that I have to babysit a child." she stated. Jason still went ahead and called a babysitter... and to top it off he hired a slut.

"Oh well I'm sorry, There's been a misunderstanding, we don't need a babysitter anymore" I said and she nodded.I closed the door and was about to walk towards Jacob but then another knock was heard. I groaned and and went to open the door.

"I already told you-" I stopped when I saw she had a gun in her hand and hit me on my head with the back of the gun.


A/N: Hey everyone. I know I've updated after a long time and I apologize. My Wattpad app was not updating any story in my library so I had to log out, then I logged in back and deleted my library then readded stories then went to continue this story then it had to reload then this chapter got deleted, so it's a pretty long story... plus there's a lot going on in school.


Now I'm back. (I think).... what did you guys think about this chapter.

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