Chapter 23

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Jason's POV.

After I hadn't found Selena yesterday, I had given up and was hoping she had found someplace safe.

I sat on the hood of my car facing the water. It was dark and for some reason I was feeling lost.

I began to go back into my car but stopped when I saw a silhouette of a person on the railing of the bridge. I decided to ignore it but when I saw long hair being blown by the wind, someone came to mind.

I ran up to the bridge, but before I reached her she had already jumped. I felt a pang in my chest and without thinking twice, I jumped behind her.

It took a while for me to find her in the freezing cold water but I eventually did. I've never felt so relieved as I was when I caught onto the bracelet I bought for her. I pulled her body up with mine and began swimming towards shore.

When we finally got out of the cold water, I laid her on the grass and noticed she wasn't breathing.

I began pumping her chest and gave her mouth to mouth but she wasn't responding.I felt her pulse and it was very weak. I needed her to be alive, I then noticed dangerously deep cuts on her entire arm. This is all my fault.I should've never asked her to leave.

I then did something, I never did in my life.I prayed in my mind. I prayed that she would just wake up. I continued pumping her chest but stopped when I saw her slightly coughing.

She began coughing louder as water came out of her mouth. I turned her so that the water can escape her mouth and not choke her. I felt her hands hold onto my biceps.

"Jason." she barely said and I moved her head so that I can see her. Her eyes were slightly opened and her breathing became harsh as she caught her breath. I then saw her passed out and I lifted her bridal style and carried her to my car. I laid her in the backseat as I quickly went into my trunk for a blanket and covered her up. I began driving home and turned on the heater.


Selena's POV.

My head is aching and I felt like a truck had ran over me.I opened my eyes taking in my surroundings.

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion when I realized I was in Jason's room and saw a baby (Around 6 months) laying next to me. What happened? Is this real life? I groaned as I tried getting up. I'm so confused.

I saw everything was in place so I began wondering if I was hallucinating. I looked back at the baby and saw it was sleeping peacefully on its stomach. I also realized I was covered in a blanket and I was wearing a night dress.

Something was definitely missing or I was getting crazy.I remembered Jason asking me to leave and jumping off the bridge but what happened next?

I checked the time and saw it was 9 in the morning. I got up quietly making sure not to wake the baby. My eyes widened when I saw the sight of red scabs on my arms it was ugly.I cringed and went down the stairs. There seemed to be no one home so I went to the kitchen.

I prepared a sandwich for myself and quietly ate it then drank some water. I then saw Jason walking through the glass doors on the patio. He had a white towel around his neck which indicated he went for a morning swim. He hadn't seen me but when he did he stopped in his tracks.

"Well, I see you're awake finally" he said but there was a soft way in which he said.

"Uhm, how long was I out?"I asked as I saw him drink from a cup of coffee that I didn't notice.

" About two days"he said as I nearly choked on my spit.

I saw him crack a small smile but I couldn't help but wonder how he found me.

"Um, what happened?" I asked.

"Well you jumped off a bridge-" he began but I stopped him.

"I know that, I don't need to be reminded, what I mean is how did you find me?" I asked.

"How do you know it was me?" he asked raising his eyebrows.I was speechless, I thought it was-

"You don't have to think so hard, long story short; I was there and saw you" he said shrugging.

"Oh." I said. Suddenly a cry was heard and I almost forgot there was a baby on the bed.I saw Jason run up the steps and I followed.I then saw him pick up the baby, swinging it back and fourth until it calmed down a bit.

I then saw him sit down on the bed still holding the teared up baby. He let out a loud sigh and placed it back on the bed.

"Selena,I need to talk to you" he said and I sat beside him. "I know that you have a lot of questions but I've made up my mind that you'll be staying" he said.

"But you-"I began.

" No buts, you have no say in this now, you are technically mine and I decide where you go since you decide to do stupid things when you're free "he said a bit harshly.

We said nothing else, just stared at each other and my heart rate increased when I saw him leaning in, just as our lips were about to touch another cry was heard from the baby causing both of us to jump back in fright.

I stood up, my cheeks beginning to warm up. Jason was trying to calm the baby but it kept crying.

I went over to him and collected the baby from him. I then laid the baby on the bed checking it's diapers seeing that the baby had made an accident.

" Do you have diapers? "I asked him as he nodded.

" It's in my car "he said making me wonder what really happened when I was out. He ran downstairs and came back within minutes. He had the wipes, powder and diapers.

I knew how to take care of a baby since I used to look after  Gabriella.I collected the stuff from him and changed the baby but it still kept crying.

I saw Jason had a frustrated look on his face, which made me want to burst out laughing.. Whoever left this baby with Jason clearly didn't know he dislikes kids.

"Is there formula for the baby?" I asked and he sighed.

"Yeah" he mumbled and I followed him to the kitchen.I saw him heat up some milk and handed it to me and it was way to hot so I placed it under the pipe in the sink trying to make it less warm.

I placed the nipple if the bottle to the baby's lips and he began suckling from it.

I saw Jason sat on the stool with his head in his hands. "I don't think I can do this" he mumbled to himself but I heard. I watched the baby's dark patch of hair and brown eyes which was looking at me.

"Jason?" I asked as his head snapped in my direction.


"Who's baby is this?" I asked.

"He's my son" he said making my eyes widen.

A/N: A baby? Remember that surprise? Yeah this is it.

Also this chapter is dedicated to @charmed0208, I'm sorry that I couldn't update sooner because my data had finished and I didn't get any WiFi.

Thank you guys so much for your support! It really means a lot. And I love your comments.

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