Chapter 2; Promising start

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P after walking through the city streets for the last couple weeks, him and Gemini had gotten accustomed to the area. He had slept in an alleyway and scavenged from a couple dumpsters. He was hungry, but overall unaffected by the circumstances. Benefits of a puppet turned imp. His body still acted like he was still in his original body, it just seemed like he got a new look.

Gemini on the other hand, hadn't changed. It was him and P versus hell! That was how he put it. Right now however, Gemini and P kept thinking about how they could make money to get a place to live. Gemini could live basically on the move forever and P didn't need to really rest more then a few minutes, but mentally its still comforting to have a place to go back to. Besides, P apparently got a reputation as a crazy scissor swordsman after he killed some sinners who tried to mug them. Turns out, normal weapons aren't supposed to kill sinners. No fair.

Most people stopped coming after them when that happened and instead talk about a green jacket wearing imp with a blessed scissor blade and a talking lamp. He was even rumored to soon be considered the first 'Imp Overlord'. P didn't seem to care or even want the title. Gemini on the other hand saw a business venture, if they could somehow figure out how turn P into a overlord, they could convince someone to let them stay around for free.

Speaking of green coats. P ended up getting rid of Alidoro's coat and obtaining a green one from another imp. Also, turned out he had a tail. That was used for some shit but not much. P did use it to crush pulse cells. Apparently it was like having a third arm.

P in moving down the street letting his mind wander bumped into someone. "Ah fucking- Watch it you-" Another imp cursed at P as he looked up then realised exactly who he was talking too. "Holy shit! You're the green coated swordsman imp! You're who I am looking for! Ok. My name is Blitzø, the O is silent and I am the founder of IMP, an assassin gig I started where we off people on the himan world for cash-" Blitzø is cut off as P raises his hand up and reaches for his lamp. "Oh, you want me to do the talking again buddy? Well hello Blitzø, I am Gemini. My friend P and I would love to see what you have to offer-" Gemini is cut off. "Amazing, now do you have any experience with killing?" Blitzø asked. P immediately shook his head no. "Haha! Such a kidder. Still covered in blood! C'mon I'll introduce you to the rest of the team."


Blitzø and P walked down the street towards a building that was clearly a complex for office space for rent. Blitzø lead P inside and what he saw was chaos. Two Imps, one with black hair, one with white hair. As well as a Hellhound. "This is already reminding me of Hotel Krat." Gemini mentioned to P. Said boy nodded in agreement. "What the hell is Hotel Krat?" Blitzø asked but was promptly ignored.

"Well M&M! Loonie~ This is Gemini, the talking lamp, and P, the green coated swordsman." Blitzø introduced them both inside of a meeting room. The White haired Imp raised their hand. "Sir, they've been talked about kike they were a vicious serial killer with little respect for anyone's life. Are we sure they should be-" "I am gonna stop you right tbere Moxxie. Germany if you wouldn't mind explaining to them why you won't?" Blitzø turned to the lamp set on top of the table. "Do you plan to attack us?" Gemini asked everyone in the room. Loona ignored them, while everyone else shook their heads. "Not u less you're into it." Blitzø stated. P sighed. "Then you all have nothing to worry about."  Gemini added with his normal charismatic tone. P nodded in agreement with this gesture. "Any questions for the new guy?" Blitzø asked everyone there. "Does he really have a custom blessed sword!?" The black haired one asked excitedly. "Well, its not-"Before Gemini could say anything else P just nodded and unsheathed the blade, splitting it into two parts. Pieces of the blades did shine white, something that the Nameless wasn't able to do with them. "Woooooow!" "Aren't those illegal sir?-" Blitzø cut Moxxie off. "Its hell Moxxie, as long as he doesn't try and off anyone important it'll be fine." The boss said. "Anyways I'm Millie, and the hell hound is Loona, our receptionist." The black haired Imp introduced themself and the other, shaking P's hand. "How did you lose your arm?" Loona asked curiously, everyone then taking a look as his mechanical one. "That is a good question, how did you lose your arm?" Moxxie asked. P just held the prostetic close to his body, clearly uncomfortable with how he got the arm. Gemini just piped up. "Thats a little too personal." He said. "Why doesn't he talk?" Blitzø asked. "I prefer not to." P stated as he stood up and picked Gemini off the table. "Oh its that time! We gotta find a place to wash up. We've been living in alleys for a while and probably smell horrible! I don'thave a nose" Gemini joked. P had a nose and he hated the smell. "Well why didn't you say you needed a place to stay! Come with me! You can sleep on my couch!" Blitzø offered. "What!?" Loona shot up from her phone. "We barely know this guy and you're just gonna let him stay in our house!?" Loona asked. Blitzø just shrugged. "Its not like they can be around clients without a shower!" Blitzø smiled as the meeting was later adjourned.


When they got to Blitzø's and Loona's apartmentt, it was a mess. It looked like the Hotel after the Black Rabbit Brotherhood trashed the place. P sighed internally. "Man, this place is a dump." Gemini said with a faked gag. "Yeah yeah, keep it to yourself. Shower is down the hallway on the right." Blitzø said as he yawned. "Im gonna go to bed, Loonie don't stay up too laaaate~" Blitzø coo'ed at his daughter. "Shut up Blitzø!" Loona said like a moody teenager, and slammed her bedroom door shut. P took the opportunity to enter the shower, taking Gemini off his belt and setting him to the side. "Hey buddy... I'm glad I'm not dead. But I don't blame you." Gemini let P know. The former puppet nodded as he took his clothes off and hung them. He then realised he didn't have any other clothes. He decided to try and destroy this problem by knocking on Blitzø's door. The already drunken imp opened the door and pulled out a gun to P's face. "Who are you- Oh P! Its youuuu~ Your shirtless self isn't trying to flirt with me are youuuuu?~ Cause it's woooorkiiiing~" Blitzø coo'ed again, drunkenly. P sighed and held up his dirty jacket and shirt. "Oh, riiiiight you need clothes to use while those wash." Blitzø grabbed a pile of his clothes and just handed them to P, taking his dirty clothes. "Iiiii'llllllllllll get them washed for you~ Just promise not to be a baby bitch like Moxxie~" Blitzø's continued ramblings started to annoy P but he got what he came for.

After the shower P listened to Gemini's lamp light buzzing silently as he stared up at the ceiling. He began to slowly fall asleep, for the first time in a while. In his dream, he opened his eyes to see Gemini on a table beside him, and he was standing up in the workshop... no it wasn't the workshop, it was a workshop. One where all of his old weapons, and his clothes sat. Even masks he had collected and never wore. He however currently enjoyed his green coat and instead grabbed the green sunglasses that he had gained in his endeavors, planning on using them to finish the look. Looking behind where he started however, it was every arm he had. Falcon eyes, Pandemonium, Fulminous, Flamberg, Aegis, Puppet String, and one empty slot, for the Arm fo steel.

"Is this a dream?" Gemini asked. P looked at his buddy and shrugged, raising his hand and punching the arm of steel. Not a dream, he shook his head. "Weird... so what is this place?" Gemini asked as the two looked around, and found a similar note beside Gemini's lamp. "I went ahead and pulled a few more strings of fate for you. Can't let you be defensless after all. -C" was what it said. P and Gemini were still massively confused by this gesture. There was one thing of note however, only The Proof Of Humanity, had the white glow, the rest didn't have anything different on them. Holding the scissor blade, P didn't enjoy using it to kill unnecessarily like he had been forced to recently. Something he did notice was his two previous weapons hanging on the wall that were broken. Clockwork sword and Twin Dragon sword were fixed. He decided it would be better to have just a saber and greatsword for now. He just couldn't kill unnecessary people who already died. This assassin business was just killing those who sinners pay us too, nothing more.

When Blitzø woke up, he smelled something cooking. Letting his nose carry him up he decided to wander into the kitchen. "This is how we can start a good day for a new job P. So stop complaining and finish those scrambled eggs." Gemini could be heard lecturing the silent fighter. Blitzø peeked into the room and saw P's attire, he wore his green jacket but  ow had a pair of emerald sunglasses on to match it. The lamp still attached to his belt barking orders at him. What Blitzø found confusing is the greatsword on P's back and saber at the same kid's side. "Where'd the scissor blade go?" Blitzø asked. Gemini immediately piped up, "We can't lug that around in public everyday, as Moxxie mentioned, blessed weapons are illegal." "Hm... I guess. Whats with the arm? Wasn't it just grey earlier?" Blitzø pointed at the Flamberg. "Prosthetics sometimes need to be changed, besides, this also doubles as a flamethrower." Gemini explained. "...Uhuh, do I gotta pay for it?" Blitzø asks. "You pay us, its fine." Gemini said. "Awesome! Looniiiieee~ Its about time for breakfast!~" Blitzø called out to his daughter. "SHUT THE FUCK UP!" She yelled. "Ah, she'll be here in a bit. Lets go get work dooooone~" Blitzø smiled. P didn't say anything as he shrugged. Now he just had to save up to get his own place.


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