Chapter 5; SPRING BREAK!

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ACT 1; Good morning.

P, first thing in the morning opened his eyes, having pretended to be asleep like he has before to avoid the Princess' nagging about how he needs sleep. However, whenever he did, he'd wake up to Nifty staring at him from the foot of his bed. "Hehehehehehe!" Nifty held the Tyrant Murderer's Dagger. Basically P's combat knife. "Hey! Put it down!" Gemini yelled at the little trouble maker. "Stab stab stab!" Nifty jumped onto the bed with P and began to attempt to stab him, only for a black tenticle to grab her off of the bed before she did any harm. "Now now Nifty darling, what have I said about stabbing the imp?" Alastor asked from in the corner. "That he could die from it?" Nifty said while still holding the dagger. P sighed as he sat upwards, wearing a white button up pajama shirt. "Can we get that back?" Gemini asked. "Oh of course dear Gemini. Nifty?" Alastor held his hand out for the little menace to hand over the weapon. "Fiiiine." Nifty said as she handed over the dagger. Alastor handed it back to P. "My my, what scars you have." Alastor remarke staring at P's torso. P looked down, seeing that his shirt was unbuttoned, and he had a giant scar in his chest, the same one that Geppetto would have if he hadn't of died. P simply just took off the shirt and put on his normal day attire for work, the green overcoat and matching glasses. His horns still being in the way even after all the time he has spent with them. The tail not so much, infact it was helpful. However as P was oblivious towards this. Nifty was watching him change and Alastor respectfully turned around for P to change.

"So! Any plans today?" Alastor asked as he twirled his cane. "Well, aside from work, not really?" Gemini asked as if unsure. P shook his head in response to the lamp's questioning tone. "Splendid! I am in a small need of your little Gemini later for my radio show. Get a little diversity and really reach towards more listeners!" Alastor said. Gemini seemed to love this idea. "P! P! P! Can I stay here for today and chat with Alastor pleeeaaaase?" Gemini pleaded like a small kid. P shrugged and looked up at Alastor. "I promise I will look after him. I can't let such an entertaining duo ever be seperated." Alastor smiled. P sighed and nodded, handing Alastor Gemini's lamp. The radio demon smile brightened as he held the puppet and then dissapeared.

As P went down the stairs, he was immediately tackled by the porn star. Yeah P knows what porn is now, and he doesn't like it. "P! Buddy you don't happen to have any plans later do ya? Me and my friend Cherri Bomb are going out clubbing and need a designated driver." Angel said wrapping an arm around P's shoulder. The imp shook his head. "Thanks buddy!~ I'll make it worth your while~" Angel said and scampered off. P sighed as he simply sat on the couch next to Vaggie. "Oh, morning P. You think you could handle the dishes tonight? I was gonna take Charlie out to dinner." P just gave a thumbs up with Flamberg. "Late, but done before tomorrow." P told Vaggie, who nodded along. A car horn honked in the front. "P! You hot lanky warrior get in the van!" Blitzø could be heard yelling from outside the hotel. "Sounds like your ride is here." Vaggie observed. P just nodded and stood up and started to leave the hotel.

"P! Wait!" Before the imp could leave, Charlie stopped him. "Have a good day today and uuhhh, maybe, if you could... Keep Angel out of trouble?" She asked, kinda just poking her fingers together. "I know he's... Well, Angel. But if you could while he drags you along, that would be great." Charlie kinda begged P. P just shrugged as he opened the door, giving Charlie a thumps up. "Thanks P!" She yelled as she shut the door.

"Christ on a stick P, did you get an early morning bang session on?" Blitzø asked from inside the van. P just facepalmed as he climbed into the back. "Morning P! Ready for some more killing today!?" Millie greeted him, "Where's Gemini?" Moxxie points out the lack of a lamp on P's belt. "Radio show." P answered as he got comfortable. Blitzø turned on the radio and a song the bossman knew came on. Blitzø's singing wasn't the best, not for lack of voice, just lack of not knowing the lyrics.

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