Chapter 8; Hunted Pt. 1

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ACT 1:

P sat alone in the break room as he, for once, was late to work today. After the whole fiasco with Romeo, Watchman, and the youngest of the Black Rabbit Brotherhood showing up put of nowhere. He was at a loss of what to do next. He could try and find the Black Rabbits... and Mad Donkey. They are apparently teamed up now considering what happened on the bridge a few days ago... P needed to train. He hadn't trained for a while as he had worked with IMP. They're job provides enough physical exercise to keep him in shape. However in keeping his senses sharp, he needed to keep a lot more active then just killing some random drug dealer. He needed to fight someone on his level. His level wasn't something common though. He demolished most sinners and hellborns. He couldn't fight against an Overlord, too many variables. Gemini hadn't spoken for a hot minute as he was also thinking. He had a knack for remembering and mapping out any area they have been too. So he had to have noticed maybe something that could help them. Nothing came too his mind. The two sat there for hours while the others were out handling some rich guy that they were hired to kill. P and Gemini were left alone for about 3 more hours before the break room door opened.

"Hey, you two still alive in there?" Loona poked her head inside of the room. Much to her suprise, the thinking P was fast asleep. Gemini gave a whispered, "Shhh, he's sleeping." To which Loona nodded and entered the break room. "Weird, I didn't know he'd sleep on the job." Loona noted as P seemed like a workaholic. "He's been doing this since we met with Romeo, Watchman and..." Gemini stopped as he felt P stir a little on the break room couch. "Well its not like there's anything else for him to do here..." Loona brushed it off.

What Gemini didn't tell Loona was that P was actually training in the workshop. He needed to go over the movements again for everything. Every weapon, every attack. He needed to be ready for anything. P gripped Proof Of Humanity in his two hands, split apart, staring down a training dummy that had appeared with his desire to go over the basics. P watched peculiarly as ths dummy's damage would repair itself with stitches made of ergo, then the stitches would dissapear, being fused into the dummy. Without any readily available answers to this, P decided to keep this too himself for now.

He can no see Ergo, not just ergo being used as a powersource but Ergo around everywhere, the pure energy of death that had kept his heart beating. He could see it as if it was as visable as the people it floated around. It's cold to the touch but P finds it almost soothing. Its a familiar feeling that he enjoys. Comfortably shifting under his control like when he used the twin dragon blade... the katana that literally used some of the ergo P collects to send a cresent shaped slash. Part of the reason P kept up with a killing buisness in hell. More death, more ergo, more ergo, more strength. He needed all of the strength that he could muster if he was to defend his home. Speaking of which it's about time for him to return to Gemini. The boy let himswlf leave the workshop and back into I.M.P's breakroom.

P awoke on the breakroom couch only to find Loona smoking a cigarette next to him. "Oh? Finally the idiot is awake... Normally I would say lazy but you work harder then everyone else who works here." She greeted. "She came in to take a break. The others haven't come.back yet." Gemini gave a quick explanation.

Soon aftwr P awoke, he decided to head back towards the botel. See if anyone needed any assistance. Vaggie seemed to be having trouble keeping Nifty and Angel Dust out of trouble recently. He marched back to the Hazbin Hotel.


Hungry... So hungry...

In a filthy alleyway, sounds of bone crushing munching. Endless hunger as a beast growled. It's shadow portraying a pure beast ripping an arm off of a demon. Screams filled the alleyway and then is silenced, by a soul sucking crunch. Later that day, the lower half of a demon is found in the alleyway. The demon having no memory of what had happened earlier past sharp yellow teeth. The Hunter being the name given to the canniballistic sinner. Laying in wait for anyone to look for shelter in their alleyways. They'd intrude on turf just for a bite. Thus it made Overlords and other high ranking sinners angry.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24 ⏰

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