Chapter 4; Hazbin Harboring.

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P on his next day off decided it was time to go home hunting. He couldn't just stay on Blitzø's couch forever, he needed his own space. That little pocket of a workshop was unreliable. P was vulnerable while he used it and was even more vulnerable to exposing himself. Hating the idea of getting more powerful demons involved with his current life. Gemini had the bright idea of a small apartment. However, as the duo feared, Blitzø had yet to actually pay them in a amount where they could buy an apartment. The other option was P leaned into the more brutal strategy, this place seemed to be on a hierarchy based on strength. Overlords were strong, and thus held status.

P and Gemini both agreed that said notion, shall be harbored as a last resort incase Blitzø gets tired of them living there. P and Gemini didn't think they're weirdly sexual boss would, however they have also noticed that he tends to be a lot more flirty when drunk. Whoch came to another reason they needed to leave. Blitzø's sexual tendencies have started to bother P, not that he didn't appreciate the compliments that Blitzø was giving him about his looks, just that well... P had never really even been in a relationship. He was a puppet built for war, not pleasure. 

Continuing to perveiw the city streets however, P came across a radio that was left out upon the streets. It remained strangely unharmed by the violent sinners, some even seemed to avoid it. Gemini or P didn't understand why until they finally heard the voice coming from it. "GREETINGS SINNERS IT IS I! AFTER 7 YEARS THE RADIO DEMON HAS RETURNED FOR HIS NORMAL BROADCASTS!" A very enthusiastic Alastor seemed very chipper about his return to the radio. P and Gemini both simply stopped to listen. They weren't compelled too, just, P felt like they had to, remembering that Alastor had told them to tune in every once in a while. "Now, as you are all aware I have been missing for quite some time. But I do assure you that I am just as powerful as I was then. I just simply took a much needed vacation." Alastor kept his usual tone when talking. You could feel the smile through the radio. P almost envied that about Alastor. Gemini and P have tried everything when it came to emotions. They tried forcing a smile, pain, watching sad videos on the internet using Blitzø's phone while he was blackout drunk. Speaking of, P remembered he also needed to buy a phone. P couldn't move his face to match any of the emotions that he has seen. He could cry, but couldn't frown.

The next oart of the broadcast caught Gemini's attention. "Now now, I bet you are all wondering where I have set up my radio station after my battle with the Vees ended in such a cliffhanger. I am now am sticking around Lucifer's daughter to assist her with her silly dream of redemption, can you believe it? Now do not get this wrong. I am helping, but not because I believe in any redemption for you lonesome sinners, no no no. I am helping because I crave entertainment!" Alastor explained. Gemini immediately piped up. "The Hazbin Hotel, I saw Loona watching a news broadcast about it on the computer some time ago! Maybe we could set up shop there. Alastor seemed to take a shine to us, and is redemption such a bad plan? Besides, strong people mean we are less likely to be killed during the next extermination with nowhere to go." Gemini mentioned.

P looked over at the giant angelic hourglass, 321 days left. He sighed, this was as better plan as any. Aside from entering the workshop, P didn't need to sleep either. So maybe he could earn his place through some hard labor and smaller rent. Gemini was good at talking so maybe he could work out a sort of deal. Right?


After about 3 hours of walking, they came across the Hazbin Hotel. It looked... rundown. However they did see an on air sign on the side of a radio station. It looked rickety and put onto the foundation last minute. Something that P and Gemini noticed and agreed to never to go into willingly. P took a deep breath and knocked onto the door. Said door immediately opened up to see a very tall woman with white skin and a red suit. Charlie Morningstar, the daughter of Lucifer was standing in front of P. The imp audibly gulped. "Hello! Welcome to the Hazbin Hotel- Wait, an imp?" Charlie stared at the short mute. "And me! No one ever notices me." Gemini complained from his lamp. "Oh! Thats a neat little lamp, but why are you here? Not that I have an issue with hellborns but, well... This place was made for sinners to be redeemed." Charlie said, chuckling nervously. "Well, actually P and I came here looking to help, and hopefully get a helping hand in return?" Gemini said. Charlie nodded along but tilted her head in confusion. "You think my idea could work?" Once she finished her question, P had two options. He doesn't believe anything he hadn't seen for himself, so he could be truthful and shrug, or he could lie and say yes, hold out hope.

P saw that Charlie had a very hopeful smile that the two would agree. P just nodded along eith what Charlie was saying. He didn't see a problem then making a simple white lie. "Great! I'm glad to have you on board! Let me introduce you to everyone-" "Charlotte, who is that at the door I hear?" Alastor asked from behind her. "These two said they wanted to help us in running the hotel!" Charlie said gesturing to P and Gemini. "Oh it's these two again. I haven't seen you in such a long time. You seem to have kept the same looks too. Can't go wrong with what works I guess." Alastor greeted them with his yellow grin. "Oh, you two have met?" Charlie asked, her smile turning into a small frown. "Only in meeting on the street once. The Emerald Swordsman had been the talk of a few of the lower overlords for a while." Alastor said. "The Emerald Swordsman? You mean the imp who killed sinners-" "In self defense. They attacked us first." Gemini cut Charlie off. She kept her still weary look as she looked at P. "Here to help." P simply said with a wave. "Hm, so thats what your voice sounds like." Alastor remarked. "Well, as long as he tries to help... I guess thats not a problem. What did you need help with in return?" Charlie turned bsck to the Imp.

"Uhhh, a place with decent rent?" Gemini said nervously. "Oh, as long as you help you can stay for free!" Charlie said, her mood gping back to being incredibly cheery. "Wait what-" "We already let Angel Dust stay rent free." Charlie shrugged. "Hun, who are you- Who the hell is this?" Another woman asked as she raised a spear at P after seeing the armed. The imp put up Flamberg up in front of him as a defensive measure. "Vaggie no! It's ok! He's here to help!" Charlie said trying to pull the spear away from P. "Hun we can't just-" Vaggie looked at Charlie who gave her the puppy dog eyes. "Well, they have all i troduced themselves, what is your name little imp?" Alastor asked. "P, and Gemini." P answered staring up at Alastor with his only expression, emptyness. "You should smile more often. You're mever fully dressed without one" Alastor said as he twirled his cane/microphone. "Anyways, I am gonna be kate for my meeting with Rosie, I will be seeing you P, Gemini." Alastor said then vanished. "Well then, P, lets go meet the others and get you situated. You are gonna love it here!" Charlie internally screamed in joy. A hellborn believed in her idea after all.


Entering the hotel, everything was a little off. P noticed how it looked like part of the hotel belonged to something else. The bar, there stood two people. A cat with card symbols lining their wings, he looked tired. And a very tall Spider who appeared to be a woman, covered in white fur with pink splotches. Gemini was kind enough to warn P that the spider was a dude. "Angel! Husk! Meet P and Gemini!" Charlie introduced the imp and his lamp. "...Am I too drunk or is that one person?" Husk asked as he looked at his bottle with a permanent frown. P held up the lamp. "I'm in the lamp!" Gemini said with anger. "I'm so tired of no one noticing me!" Gemini was very angry.

"...So the imp is gonna stay at the hotel?" Angel asked with a laugh. "Apparently. As long as he helps." Vaggie stares daggers at P. "Vaggie, you have to give P the benefit of the doubt. He might not be lying?" Charlie smiled at P. Gemini was oddly quiet this time around. P just shrugged. "Trust or not, I'll help." P said as he simply went to grab a broom. Said broom dissapeared as a short cyclops appeared. "Oooo~ New bad boy~" She said as she stood on P's shoulder. "Nifty no! He's here to help!" Charlie pulled Nifty off. "Sorry, she gets really excited around guys..." Charlie explained. "Anyways, lets get you to your room." Charlie said as a cat appeared on her shoulder. It didn't have a mouth, just an eye. "Oh hi kiki!" Charlie petted the cat.

After P got situated he set the lamp down on the bedside table and stared at him, tapping on Gemini's glass. "What?" Gemini asked, seemingly angry still. P just sighed, "Gemini is my friend. Never forgotten." P said as he layed down on the bed. Now that he had nerves and all of that, he found it soothing to actually lay down in a bed for the first time in his life. If P needed sleep he would've collapsed but he just kayed there staring at the ceiling. "I... I know P. Its just hard to be so useless sometimes." Gemini said. "Not useless." P said to Gemini. This was the most P would talk, and it was to Gemini. "...Thanks P." He buzzed as the two went into the workshop for the night to beging moving everything.


A Liar in hell(Helluva Boss/Hazbin Hotel fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now