Chapter 7; A Reunion.

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P, once he got back on his feet, much to everyone's suprise, didn't stop his routine. Get out of bed, say goodmorning to everyone, and go to work. However P seemed to be a little early this morning, despite his body not really needing sleep, his eyes still reflected the lack of rest that he gave them. In reality he didn't sleep last night. After spilling everything about himself to everyone at the hotel. His truth. He felt he was missing something.

Gemini on the otherhand was eerily quiet on P's belt this morning, not really bringing up anything that had happened the night before. The talkitive one of the duo didn't feel like talking for once. He continued to feel useless. He couldn't properly lie to Alastor, he couldn't properly help fight. He can't keep P out of trouble, which is very apparent by The Black Rabbit Brotherhood in hell. Gemini felt awful.

As the two sat on the couch in silence, Charlie sat beside the two. Her demeanor unchanged from last night. "So... you weren't born in hell?" Charlie asked, sheepishly. P shook his head. "Krat was on earth..." Gemini said as the two remembered. "So... You're a sinner?" Charlie looked at the imp. P shook his head. "We don't know what P is, but he's capable of leaving the rings, unlike other sinners. Atleast we have that." Gemini said as he looked at P. P just shrugged. "Well... If you ever need to... talk about anything else. I'm here to listen." Charlie said while putting a hand on P's shoulder. P just nodded and grabbed Gemini. "You too Gemini." Charlie extended the offer. "...Thanks Princess." Gemini responded. A very familiar car horn honked outside. "P YOU LINKY BITCH LETS GO I GOT YOU COFFEE!" Blitzø yelled from outside. P sighed as he grabbed his arm. He decided to bring out the arm P has dubbed "Attachment" because he basically took apart Aegis and Puppet String, made a new arm with it, and adjusted the harpoon cannon and the shield into two separate attachments. Hence the name. He needed a better name.

Once he entered the van, Loona was the first one to say anything. "You look like shit." She said looking at the tired puppet. "Yep." P said as he leaned against the door. "P you better not be getting sick on me!" Blitzø's voice rang from the driver seat. "P'a fine, just had been working all night." Gemini explained. "Hence why he was gonna get some sleep on the drive there."Gemini added. "Ok ok, lets let P get some rest while he can." Moxxie piped in. "Yeah, get some rest sweetheart." Millie said with a smile. P took the offer almost immediately, he didn't really need it, but it was still ok to get it sometimes. It felt nice not having to worry about everything around him for a little bit. The ride was smooth, no trouble on his part... till he remembered something. He had to help Verosika today because of the bet's odd conclusion.

"Whats up with the crazy?" Loona asked as they arrived at the office. "Remember the bet our boss made with his ex?" Millie said. "Well, as a part of the conclusion, P has to help her with her work today." She finished. "Oh... Blitzø can I go with the moron!?" Loona asked her father. "What? Why!?" Blitzø ask. "Cause dumbass over here barely learned how to use a phone." Loona said whike pointing towards P. "...Fair enough. Just don't fall for anything that hellhound has to say!" Blitzø said as he went into his office.  P sighed as he had been sold out by his boss.

Both P and Loona entered the studio to actually be listening to music being played while Verosika is singing. All the succubi and inccubi (P ended up googling the name for multiple succubus) were all chilling on the couch. "Oh its the hot imp kid who doesn't talk!" One of them remarked. "What exactly did I miss while doing that radio show?" Gemini asked his partner. "A lot firefly." Loona snickered. "Oh and who's the hottie you brought with you-" "Don't dude, she knocked the shit outta me yesterday." Two inccubi were chatting. "Well sit down, can I get you three anything to drink?" A Succubus asked. P shook his head. "I'll get a whiskey if you have some." Loona answered. "I can't drink." Gemini said. "Awww why not lil guy?" One of the Inccubi cooed, not really sexually but to P it was odd. "I'm mechanical." Gemini answered painfully.

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