Chapter 6; Party crasher

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ACT 1: Welcome one and all!

Alastor set Gemini down in his little radio tower on a table, humming as he twirled his staff round, getting himself a cup of tea. "A drink Gemini?" Alastor asked as he turned towards the lamp. "I... Physically can't." Gemini responded, the lamp's glow fkicking on and off as the cricket talked. "What a shame. Such a tragic consequence to such a miniscule form." Alastor mocked Gemini a little. Said lamp laughed it off as some ribbing. "Comes with the territory I guess." They laughed a little. "So, where did you and P come from? I mean, surely it wasn't from the pride ring." Alastor asked Gemini. Seeing that Alastor was very intimidating when he wanted to be, as well as when P lied that one time. Gemini decided not to fully lie, throw in some truth, just, give him a different direction of looking. "P and I come from Krat. It uhh... Is in the sloth ring." Gemini answered, that seemed to be the story they'd rehearsed. "Oh, this sounds like such a wonderful place." Alastor remarked immediately, clearly wishing for Gemini to continue. "Well, the city is now also in ruins... partially thanks to P and I." Gemini continued then stopped. "But it was for the better." He said with a firm belief that it was. "Intresting!" Alastor said, turning away from Gemini, getting a idea. "Say Gemini... what does P aspire for?" Alastor asked, his smile prevalent on his face. "I... We don't know. P right now is just trying to kinda... find somewhere to call home for now. Find peace." Gemini guessed as the two continued to talk, eventually getting into plans about the radio broadcast.

Once Gemini and Alastor got properly set up for the cricket to talk with Alastor during the show, something that was suprisingly difficult to do for the two considering Alastor is 7 feet tall and does all of this standing. They begin the broadcast. "Salutations sinners! It is I, Alastor the Radio Demon. Here with another broadcast for you all. Today I have a special guest with me today. Gemini if you wouldn't mind introducing yourself?" The Radio Demon signalled for Gemini to begin talking. "H-Hello. Sorry, not used to the thought of so many people hearing me at once. I'm Gemini, a tour guide of sorts." He said. "And where do you hail from little Gemini?" Alastor asked. "Krat, its where we're both from. Honestly at this point Id doubt anyone would of heard of it till now." Gemini stated.


As the two talked over the radio, across Pentagram city, in a bar. A sinner with a donkey head hearing Gemini's name, Immediately had a thought of someone who they hated. No... something they hated. "That damn puppet..." Mad Donkey said as he slammed his empty glass against the table. "Hey Barkeep!" Mad Donkey called to the Crab based demon, who slid him a bottle. Mad Donkey slid the barkeep some cash. "Keep the change. Depending on how tonight goes... I won't be back." He stated as he stood up from his seat and left the bar, a remade version of his old greatsaw... one with a bit more of a shock to it. Mad Donkey had connected a car battery to his weapon and he planned to get even with this creation of his.


P was currently doing the dishes as he had promised Vaggie. Apparently, since he got off a bit earlier then he thought with the whole Verosika fiasco, he found he had time before Angel Dust and his friend dragged him to a club. This silent designated driver didn't mind the lack of free time, he rarely used it for anything other then working on his weapons anyways. 'Busy hands are happy ones' Venigni once said. P agreed with this statement as long as he found the work to be helpful to someone. He liked helping. It was a calming moment for him as he just kinda... existed, for this moment of mindlessly washing the dishes. Atleast he did until he heard and explosion, in which he rushed out the kitchen door and into the main lobby.

"Oi! Cherri Bomb in the building!" A cyclopse demon announced as she jumped through the massive hole she created in the wall. "Cherri Bomb! Good to see you." Angel Dust greeted her. "Whats up ya damn hooka?! Where we heading tonight? Who's the fresh meat you're bringin what ya?" Cherri Bomb asked looking around for some sinned more then likely, as P exitted the kitchen with the arm of steel and a cleaver. His signiture green coat and glasses. "P! Come meet Cherri Bomb. Cherri, this is P. He's actually an imp who I convinced to be our designated driver." Angek Dust said. P raised his hand as if to say he couldn't drive. "It's just saying you're the sober one to keep us from getting killed.' Angel Dust waved the imps confusion off. "Oh alrighty then. Well lets get going." Cherri Bomb said as she stopped being lpud for a minute. P on the other hand, reached into his jacket and pulled out his clocksword and the twin dragon blade which he sheathed the clocksword on his back, the twin dragon on his hip. "Hm... Always prepared. I like it!" Cherri Bomb said. "Oh just wait till you see what his hands can do~ Where's the falcon claw thingy?" Angel Dust asked. "Falcon eyes." P corrected as he sighed and started going upstairs. "Falcon eyes?" Cherri Bomb asked as she watched the Imp go upstairs. "Juuuust wait sugar tits." Angel said as he sat down.

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