Chapter 3; My job shouldn't be security.

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Gemini was set on the meeting table as P dabbled with his arm, he decided to keep Fulminous on for now as it was the most decorated arm he had, and it was a very useful weapon against the current technologies. Its been a solid month since he started working here, and P has got to say. He doesn't mind the work. He has killed a cheating wife, plenty of cheating husbands, drug lords, and so many other terrible people. P couldn't help but smile whenever something went on in the office, never a dull day. Gemini on the other hand, became quite the aggrivator for most of the petty conflicts. Hey, a lamp has its hobbies, and his hobby was to make entertaining situations happen.

While P and Gemini worked on Fulminous, the rest of the office stopped questioning how P was able to bring in so many different weapons to every job, and instead started asking why he did. Gemini and P found it funnier to never answer them, this they agreed was the best course of action.

In this litfle office, Moxxie and Loona were arguing like they normally would. "Well fatty maybe if you didn't eat so much you wouldn't have so many problems loosing weight!" "You can't just steal my lunch every day because you have a hangover!" Yeah today has been far from boring, and it just became lunch time. "Soooo P, Gemini, coworkers... Mind if I ask you a question?" Millie said, getting both of their attention. "Do you happen to only use melee options because you've never fired a gun before oooor?" P raised up a finger for her to hold that thought then pointed to Gemini. "Oh you want to show her Falcon eyes?" Gemini asked his partner. P nodded and reached into his jacket, pulling off Fulminous with a satisfying click and attaching the clunkly canon arm. "Falcon eyes?" Millie tilted her head a little as she watched them attach the arm. "Basically a grenade launcher on an arm!" Gemini state happily and laughed like a maniac, catching the attention of Moxxie and Loona. "What the hell is that?" Loona asked. P just flicked the wrist and the barrel of the weapon popped out like the arm was designed to do. "Holy shit. Where have you been hiding that!?" Loona asked with suprise. Moxxie on the other hand simply stared at the arm. "Are these... your creations or did you have to hire someone?" Moxxie asked. P pointed at himself for Falcon eyes, the  pointed at Fulminous and shook his head. "Fulminous was a gift, Falcon eyes was all P." Gemini informed them. "What about the weird ass weapons? Like, I dunno, the weird katana on your hip and the giant saw on your back?" Loona piped in. "Found them." Was all P answered while taking Falcon eyes off and putting Fulminous back on.

As they continued to inspect P's weaponized Prosthetics, suddenly Blitzø's voice carried down the hallway from his office. "M&M, P, GET IN HERE WE'RE GOING TO LOO LOO LAND!" Moxxie immediately opened the door to Blitzø's office. "Loo Loo land?" He asked, suddenly Millie bolted for the door and headbutted the glass. "Loo Loo land!?" Blitzø did a weird pose on his desk. "Loo Loo Land!" At this point however, Loona got tired of the shouting because of her hangover and piped in herself. "SHUT THE FUCK UP!" She yelled. Gemini and P just seemed to stare at each other and peek into the office. "Blitzø, what is Loo Loo Land?" Gemini asked.


P and Gemini were stuck in the back of the van as Millie and Moxxie got into the back as well. The vehicle was a mess but P didn't really have anything to compare it to being a clean vehicle. It was a longer ride then what he was used to. Granted its only been 2 months since he's been in hell. Gemini on the other hand found it easy to start a conversation with Millie and Moxxie. One that P ended up zoning out on as he watched out the windows of the van.

They arrived at what looked to be a manor, rich folks hired them as security. P didn't quite enjoy the idea of guarding someone but he'd made it work. He had to. Two figured walked up to the Van and got in. One, very tall and dressed in a Loo Loo Land t-shirt. The other, much shorter but still taller then the Imps, a black beanie and darker clothes. P took a note that they dressed similar to Loona, just if Loona covered more then the bare minimum.

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