Matters of State

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Anne is inside of her chambers hosting a party with a few of the other nobles in attendance

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Anne is inside of her chambers hosting a party with a few of the other nobles in attendance. Anne is laughing and having a good time when she sees her brother walk into the room. 

"Is this not better, George?" Anne asked her brother. 

"Much better". George replied. 

Anne then placed a kiss on her brother's cheek as some of the nobles around them laughed and continued to dance with each other. "Will you dance, My Lord?" Anne asked her brother. 

"No. Not now". George denied. 

Anne then continued to dance with the other nobles around her as George walked off to stand in the corner and drink quietly with his sister's former betrothed/lover Thomas Wyatt who is also standing in the corner sulking as he watches Anne dance and laugh around the room with the other Lords and Ladies of the court. 

Anne spins around with William Brereton before he quickly moves away from her causing her to stare after his retreating figure for a moment before someone else calls out to her. "Anne!" A Lord calls out to his Queen and she quickly redirects her attention to him instead. Anne then runs and jumps into the Lord's arms and he swiftly catches her as Mark continues to play his music. Suddenly, the door to Anne's chambers burst open to reveal the King. 

All the nobles immediately stop laughing and dancing with each other upon seeing their King enter into the chambers. They all then immediately bow and curtsy to Henry who looks disheveled and a little bit tipsy. "Your Majesty". The nobles say as he walks into the room. 

Anne jumps out of the arms of the Lord that she was previously dancing with to look at her husband. Henry then walks around the room for a bit as Anne keeps her eyes on him. 

He then stops walking and looks over at her and then walks over to Mark. "Mark!" He calls out to the musician and then stands in front of him. Mark looks up at the King of England. 

"Play La Volta". Henry orders as he then takes gulps down the rest of his wine and he turns around and walks over to Anne who is smirking and staring at him. He tosses his cup onto the floor as Mark then begins to play La Volta


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