Destiny and Fortune

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May 19, 1536
Tower of Green

In the Tower of London, Anne finishes getting ready for her execution when Sir William walks into her chambers

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In the Tower of London, Anne finishes getting ready for her execution when Sir William walks into her chambers. "Madam, the hour approaches, you must make ready". Sir William tells her. 

Anne then turns around to face Sir William. "Acquit yourself of your charge, for I have been long prepared". Anne tells him. 

"The King asks that you take this purse". Sir William says as he holds out a brown pouch towards her. "It has twenty pounds in it, to pay the headsman for his services and distribute alms to the poor". Anne walks over to Sir William and takes the purse from him. 

"Thank you". Anne says taking the purse of pounds from Sir William. 

"Will you and your ladies follow me". Sir William says to Anne with a bow of his head. 

Anne gives a small nod and Sir William turns around and begins to lead the way outside. 

Anne glances over her shoulder and nods at her confessor who nods back at her as he then walks ahead of her as Anne turns to one of her ladies who steps forward and hands her her bible. 

Anne then leaves her chambers following behind her confessor and Sir William with her ladies following right behind her. One of the guards opens up the door to the Tower of London and Anne walks out to see a crowd of subjects gathered out either touching her, praying for her or just screaming out their hatred for her because they never liked her. 

Once Anne gets to the Tower of Green she looks up at the scaffold in front of her before then walking up the steps and onto the scaffold. In the distance Thomas Wyatt is watching from afar while Charles Brandon and his young son Edward stand amongst the crowd preparing to watch Anne's execution. 

Once Anne is on the scaffold she walks closer to Sir William and speaks to him. "Master Kingston, I pray you not to give the signal for my death until I have spoken what I have the mind to speak". Anne says to him. 

Sir William bows his head. "Madam". 

Anne then walks away from him and stands in the middle of the scaffold. 

Archbishop Cranmer is also in the crowd of spectators watching on as Anne prepares to speak before she dies. Anne takes a deep breath in and then exhales it out as she looks at the crowd in front of her. The crowd soon grows quiet and Anne then begins to speak to them. 

"Good Christian people, I have come here to die, according to the law, and thus yield myself to the will of the King, my lord". Anne says as Cranmer bows his head and the subjects all shout "Long live the King!"  in response to her. "And if, in my life, I ever did offend the King's Grace, then surely with my death I do now atone..." The church bells ring as Anne takes another deep breath in and then speaks again. "I pray and beseech you all, to pray for the life of the King". 

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