Destiny and Fortune

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May 18, 1536
The Tower of London

Anne finishes getting ready for her execution when Sir William Kingston walks into her chambers

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Anne finishes getting ready for her execution when Sir William Kingston walks into her chambers. "Am I to go now?" Anne questions Sir William. "I thought..."

"My Lady, forgive me... the executioner has been delayed on the road from Dover and your execution is postponed until twelve o'clock". Sir William informs her. "I-I wanted to tell you, in good time, in case..."

"Master Kingston"

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"Master Kingston". Anne says cutting him off. "I hear you say I will not die before noon, and I'm sorry for it, for I thought to be dead by that time, and past my pain".

"Madam, there will be no pain"

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"Madam, there will be no pain". Sir William assures her. "The blow will be so subtle".

"Yes, I heard the executioner was very good"

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"Yes, I heard the executioner was very good". Anne replies. Anne then begins to laugh. "And in any case, I have only a little neck". Anne says and then begins to laugh again as Sir William and everyone else inside of the room just stares at her in all seriousness which causes her to laugh some more. Anne laughs louder as Sir William just stands there watching her.

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Anne wasn't losing her mind because she was laughing - she was laughing at her own stupid thoughts

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Anne wasn't losing her mind because she was laughing - she was laughing at her own stupid thoughts. Especially, since she remembers how Henry once told her that he loved her neck and now he was having it chopped off. Ah, the cruel irony of it all.


Moments Later

Sir William walks into Anne's chambers just as she finishes getting ready for her execution once more. Anne then steps forward and stands in front of Sir William. "Master Kingston, I am ready". Anne tells him.

"My Lady, you must forgive me once again". Sir William tells her. "But the Executioner is still not arrived".

"What do you say?" Anne asks.

"Madam, your execution is put off until nine o'clock tomorrow morning". Sir William tells her.

"No..." Anne says in sadness. "No. It cannot be. It is not that I desire death, but I... I thought myself prepared to die... I was prepared. I fear... I fear that of further delay it may weaken my resolve. Please... If it... If it were possible..."

"No, Madam. It is the King's express command". Sir William informs her.

Anne begins to cry as Sir William then turns around to walk away. "No! Wait!" Anne calls out as she grabs onto Sir William stopping him in his tracks. "Perhaps I'm not meant to die. These postponements they mean something. Perhaps the King is testing me. I'll be sent to a nunnery". Anne starts to cry once more as Sir William just looks at her sadly and then walks away from her and out of her chambers as she breaks down in tears even more.


Whitehall Palace

Margaret is in her chambers taking a bath as she cries her eyes out.

She was once again forbidden from seeing her sister or even going to her execution and it was absolutely killing her inside.

Margaret continues to cry as Bess and Elinor clean up her chambers and change the sheets on her bed leaving her to herself knowing that trying to comfort her would be pointless at this time. After a while Margaret stops crying and wipes her tears away. "Bess, grab me my cloak". Margaret says as she stands up and gets out of the tube and then immediately walks into her chambers to get dressed. She was going to see her sister one way or another.

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