Destiny and Fortune

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Anne is in her chambers inside the Tower of London sitting down on the edge of her bed just looking absolutely depressed as the ladies attending to her in the Tower clean up her chambers and throw away the food that she didn't eat for breakfast.

The doors to her chambers open up and her ladies immediately stop what they are doing and lineup as Anne continues sitting on the edge of her bed. Sir William then walks into the room and Anne slowly gets up from the bed to address Sir William. "Master Kingston". Anne greets.

"My Lady". Sir William greets back.

He then moves closer into the room and Anne then steps closer to him so they can talk somewhat privately. "My Lady, I can now tell you that the King has decreed that you will not be burned, but suffer a quicker death by decapitation. In his mercy, the King has also acceded to your plea to use the services of the Executioner of Calais, who is even now on his way here from Dover". Sir William says informing Anne of her fate.

"When am I to die?" Anne asks him.

"At nine o'clock". Sir William answers.

"I am content. Will you please send for Archbishop Cranmer, so he may hear my last confession and administer Holy Communion?" Anne asks. Sir William then looks at her and bows his head.

"My Lady". Sir William says before turning around and walking away from Anne and out of her chambers. Anne just stands there in her spot taking in the news that she was just given and processing it all.


Hours Later

Anne is in her chambers getting ready to do her confession with Archbishop Cranmer.

"My Lady, I am obliged to tell you that your marriage to the King has been declared null and void". Archbishop Cranmer tells Anne.

"On what grounds?" Anne asks Cranmer.

"On the grounds of your close and forbidden degree of affinity to another woman known carnally by the King". Cranmer informs Anne.

"My sister..." Anne says knowingly. Cranmer quietly agrees with Anne's suggestion. "Then my daughter is...?"

"Yes". Cranmer confirms her thoughts for her. "Elizabeth is to be declared a bastard".

Hearing this news breaks Anne's heart deeply. "And what of my sister Margaret and her son?"

Cranmer sighs. "No word yet". He tells her. Anne nods at least that was somewhat good news.

Cranmer then walks closer to Anne. "Madam, I swear to you I will do everything within my power to protect and support her, and keep her always in the King's good and kind graces".

"Thank you". Anne says to him. "And now, since my time approaches, I beg your Grace to hear my confession". Cranmer takes Anne's hand and begins leading her to a corner where a chair is set up from him to sit on. Sir William goes to leave to give Anne and Cranmer so privacy until Anne stops him. "Also, I should like the Constable present when I receive the good Lord".

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