The Act of Treason

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May 2, 1536

May 2, 1536

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Anne is in her chambers working on her point with her ladies all surrounding her as they sit in sad silence knowing everything that has just happened to some of the courtiers and her family

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Anne is in her chambers working on her point with her ladies all surrounding her as they sit in sad silence knowing everything that has just happened to some of the courtiers and her family. 

Footsteps are then heard and Anne looks up to see two Lords standing in front of her. They bow to her and then stand back up to their full heights. "My Lords, why have you come?" Anne asks. 

"This is the warrant for your arrest". Charles tells Anne holding up the scroll which contains the arrest warrant for her. "You are charged with committing adultery with Mark Smeaton, Sir Henry Norris, Lord Arthur Dale, Sir Henry Norris and William Brereton". Charles informs her of the charges against her. "Both Smeaton and Brereton have already confessed their guilt".

"We have come at the King's command to conduct you to the Tower, there to abide during His Majesty's pleasure". Another Lord tells her. 

"If it be His Majesty's pleasure", Anne says as she then stands up from her seat. "then I am ready to obey". Anne then turns to her cousin Madge. "Lady Sheldon -" 

"There is no time to change your clothes or pack any of your things". Charles tells her. "Money will be provided for your needs at the Tower". Anne and Charles stare each other down until Anne relents and begins to move towards her chambers door ready to obey her King believing that he will soon come to his senses. 


The Tower of London

The doors to the Tower of London open up and Anne cautiously walks inside as Sir William Kingston, the Constable of the Tower of London bows to her upon seeing her. 


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