The Definition of Love

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The Next Day

The next day, Henry is getting ready to go riding when Anne ambushes him just as he's about to get on his horse. "Good morrow, John". Henry said in greeting to one of the court's stable boys. 

"Where are you going?" Anne asked as she pushed her way to stand in front of her husband. 

"Out". Henry answered vaguely. 

"Where?" Anne asked again. 

"Go back inside". Henry ordered pushing Anne away from him. 

Anne then moved some hair out of her face before pushing herself back in front of her husband standing in between him and his horse. "Where are you going?" Anne asked sternly this time. "I want to know". 

Henry then grabbed Anne and led her away from his horse

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Henry then grabbed Anne and led her away from his horse. "It's none of your business. It is my pleasure that you go back inside. Now". Henry ordered firmly and shoved Anne towards the gates of the palace. 

Anne then bowed mockingly to her husband. "Majesty". Anne said in a mocking manner as she then retreated back inside while Henry stared after her retreating figure. He then grabbed the reins to his horse and then got on his horse and took off with his guards following right behind him. 

Meanwhile, back inside of the palace Anne is angrily marching down the halls as she passes by nobles who all bow or curtsy to her in respect

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Meanwhile, back inside of the palace Anne is angrily marching down the halls as she passes by nobles who all bow or curtsy to her in respect. 


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The Next Day

The next day Anne is in her bedchambers pacing back and forth as she complains to Mark Smeaton about her problems with the French Admiral. 

"I had planned a banquet in his honor..." Anne said as she paced back and forth. 

"Who?" Mark asked her. 

"The French Admiral". Anne replied. "He has been here for 2 weeks already, staying with the Duke of Suffolk, and he has not yet sent me a message of goodwill". Anne complained. "Every other French envoy has always done so. Neither has he requested an audience with me. With me, the Queen of England and when we are discussing the future of my own child". Anne said. 

"Your Majesty should rest". Mark said. "I ought to leave you..." 

"They also tell me he has struck up an acquaintance with the Imperial Ambassador, Chapuys. Is that not extraordinary? Tell me why should he do such a thing?" Anne asked but Mark did not speak. Anne then walked over to Mark and stood in front of him. "Why do you not say anything, Mark?" She asked the musician. 

Mark then stood up to his full height. "Your Majesty must forgive me. I don't know what to say". Mark told her. "These matters are beyond my competence. What am I? Only a dancing-master". 

"And then there's something else: someone, some bitch who probably hates me..." Anne said ignoring Mark's words to her as she continued to become a little bit paranoid "Told me that the King has deliberately invited a lot of beautiful women to court for the Admiral's visit. I mean can you believe that?" Anne asked Mark as she went back to pacing back and forth again as he just looked on in shock and confusion not really knowing what to do or say at the moment. 


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