Lady in Waiting

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The door to the Queen's chambers open up and a blonde young woman walks inside

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The door to the Queen's chambers open up and a blonde young woman walks inside. 

"Lady Jane?" One of Anne's ladies, Nan asks her. 

"Yes". Jane confirms. 

Nan then walks closer to Jane looking her up and down before speaking again, "Her Majesty is just coming. You are not to speak anything to her until you are invited to". Nan tells Jane. 

Jane bows her head in understanding. "Yes". Jane replies. 

Anne then enters into the room and everyone inside curtsies to her. "Your Majesty". Her ladies all say as they curtsy to her. Jane then curtsies to her as well. Anne stops in her spot and eyes up Jane. Everyone then stands up to their full heights as Anne looks over at her personal confessor and nods to him. 

"Mistress Seymour, will you place your hand upon this Holy Bible..." Anne's confessor asks Jane who walks over to the bible that the confessor gestures to. "And will you promise and swear to serve Her Majesty Queen Anne faithfully, honorably and discreetly; and will you promise and swear that your conduct will always be modest, virtuous and good, presenting at all times a godly spectacle to others?"

"I do so promise and swear". Jane vowed. She then stepped away from the bible as Anne eyed her still. Anne then walked up to Jane and stared at her in an intimidating manner. 

Jane kept her eyes down in a submissive manner as Anne continued to assert her dominance over her. "Lady Jane". Anne said finally speaking up after an awkward moment of silence. 

Jane bowed her to Anne. "Your Majesty". She responded. 

Anne then turned around and walked away from Jane leaving her ladies to give Jane her orders

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Anne then turned around and walked away from Jane leaving her ladies to give Jane her orders. 

As Anne left the room everyone bowed and curtsied to her including Jane. Once they were all back up to their feet Nan walked up to Jane and gave her a tray with silver on it so she could begin to polish it. 

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